OOC Code Of Conduct

The Eternal Court of Lordaeron is a community storytelling project; because of this it is imperative to the protection of our members, and the facilitation of a healthy, collaborative creative environment be ensured by a few basic minimum standards expected of all participating players. Players who join the project agree to refrain from the following under penalty of review and possible ejection from the project. This is an LGBTQ+ community that welcomes everyone.   1. Due to the mature themes that take place in military conflict rp, and undead rp this is an adult-only rp community with players required to be 18+ years old to join our community. 2. Everyone who is a part of this project agrees to and understands that this is an opt-in rp only, and is not a mandatory rp that other players will not be demanded to observe against their consent. 3. Roleplay should not violate the OOC of the consent of another party. 4. No rp will be conducted within the project that involves any form of abuse against underage characters, or pregnant women. Player characters that are pregnant may not participate in rp content within this project that involves the potential for bodily harm in rp such as military conflict. 5. Use of IRL slurs (racial, anti-LGBTQ+, etc with the understanding that IC prejudice against fictional species remains so and is not used as a veneer for OOC trolling). 6. OOC Harassment/trolling (including but not limited to sustained unwanted contact after being told to cease contact, using social media for the sake of trolling or being disruptive, etc). 7. Threats or bullying behavior OOC will not be tolerated. This is an rp community, and rp aggressions should never cross into ooc. 8. OOC sexual harassment or abuse will not be tolerated. 9. Public ERP displays in discord or in game is strictly prohibited. 10. OOC disputes regarding rp should be handled in a mature manner, in which players calmly address concerns with one another directly. Public call-outs, ooc public smearing, and ooc attacks over ic rp disputes are not acceptable behaviors. 11. This is a community that is inclusive and welcomes LGBTQA+ players. Transphobic slurs, and other anti-LGBTQA+ insults and exclusionary behavior are not welcome. 12. OOC discussion about legal or illegal substances such as various forms of drugs should generally be avoided and kept to private. There are many people who are battling addiction, and or have complicated pasts with various substances. 13. Players are responsible for their actions while under the influence of substances. 14. Bathroom themes and topics are not to be discussed in discord. 15. Need to contact a mod? Have questions ooc or about ic rp? Please ping Moderator in discord via the @Moderator ping.   This list is subject to additional rules and reviews over time. Problematic players can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to remove players who skirt the rules in a form of veiled trolling and harassment.   For the full details and most current version of our rules please see the document in this channel. Last updated Jan 9, 2023.


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