OOC Rules & Info - Common Questions & More

Welcome to the OOC Eternal Court Of Lordaeron Rules & Info. This is a living document that will be updated over time and will adapt to the evolving needs of the community. Included in this document are various topics ranging from how to register a Lordaeron Noble, voting methods, religious rp oversight, and more. Due to the complex nature of online rp, and noble rp, this document will broadly touch on many topics. However, there is so many aspects to this project, that it is not possible to completely consider every potential question and situation that may arise. As such, if there are questions or concerns please contact a moderator.   Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zwohFwMuys60efb3ROXbBJsBI05T0XRCNz14ScyP-Jg/edit?usp=sharing   Last Updated: March 30th, 2023   ----- Common Questions & Answers -----
  1. What is this project?: This project is a noble community with a focus on Lordaeron. We observe canon lore as the basis for our rp, reaching as far back as the W3 game.
  2. Who can take part in this project? Players with an active subscription to the World Of Warcraft MMO, who are of the ages 18 and older. This is an adult-only project.
  3. Are there requirements to join and register a landed or unlanded noble?: Yes. We have a helpful guide on the matter here.
  4. Is this a Forsaken-only rp project?: No. The dynamic nature of the state of Lordaeron means it should have a rather radical blend of living and undead interests at play.
  5. Is this project faction specific?: No. Players on the Alliance and Horde alike are welcome.
  6. Is this a legal project?: No. This is a noble project centered on the Noble Houses of Lordaeron, living and undead alike. There may be some legal themes with rp, but this is an overall noble group. Our rp objective is to build immersive rp and depth in regards to Lordaeron, not create extensive legal writing.
  7. Are you claiming to be in control of all of the Forsaken and Lordaeron?: No. We are rping as a sect within a governing body of administration. Furthermore, this project is opt-in only and no one is required nor demanded to observe this project.
  8. What if the lore changes in a radical way that will affect this project?: To the best of our ability, our project prefers to observe canon lore. We will regard canon changes and patch updates treat major lore shifts as storylines to be observed and acted out in rp. We do not know what plans Blizzard has for the Forsaken, Horde, Lordaeron, or Calia.
  9. Does this project welcome hostile rp?: Yes, on a lore basis with ooc coordination. The Forsaken and undead as a whole are viewed poorly in Azeroth, it only makes sense that they would face IC RP hostilities.
  10. Is RP-PVP required to be a part of this project?: No. Players will be welcome to engage in only the rp they enjoy and want to be a part of. All rp is conducted on a consensual basis.
  11. If I want to become an active voting member of the court, what should I do?: Register a landed noble of Lordaeron. Information on how is located in the Lordaeron Noble Registry section.
  12. Are players required to rp with others inside the project? No. All rp is conducted on a consensual basis. Players who are uncomfortable interacting with one another are not required to do so.
  13. Does the Court acknowledge Calia Menethil and the events of patch 9.2.5? Yes.
  14. Does the Court acknowledge the first and second Desolate Council? Yes.
  15. Does the Court regard Calia Menethil as Queen of Lordaeron? Individual characters will have their own perspectives. In canon lore, Calia is the rightful claimant to the throne of Lordaeron, however, she has not claimed it at this time. Nonetheless, her presence in the north and canon lore acknowledgment of the Forsaken as her people, as well as her place on the Desolate Council is a rallying point. The IC RP perspective based on canon lore is that the rightful claim to the throne has returned to her people, and her presence is a bulwark against false claims.
  16. What is the stance on canon lore?: When possible we prefer to use canon lore. In some places, there is no canon lore on topics, or the canon lore is unclear. When there is no canon lore in the MMO, we do use the lore out of the RPG. Matters of missing or conflicting canon lore that impact this project are subject to discussion by the moderator team, and to be voted on by the active community.
  17. What is the stance on fanon lore?: Fanon lore has a place and value in our community. The canon lore does not cover all potential aspects of our storyline, and as such we are left to create content to fill in the gaps. That said, we prefer all fanon lore we observe to be based foremost on canon lore. However, we are not inclined to observe fanon lore on a grander scale such as the creation of whole fanon planets, fanon races, fanon schools of magic, and fanon kingdoms.
  18. What is the stance on meme and canon characters for RP?: Troll, meme, and similar characters are not welcome in this project. Furthermore, players seeking to RP canon characters are not welcome either.
  19. Does the moderation team have the right to ban and remove players and characters from the project?: Yes. Unfortunately, a moderation team is required to better protect and serve the community. In the event that there is a problematic player in the community, we request that evidence be provided to the moderation team for review. Moderators reserve the right to make judgment calls in the event of an emergency to act in the best interest of the community.
  20. Do moderators need to be subscribed to the game, and in the community? Yes. All members of the moderation team should have active subscriptions to the same, and be members of the community. If a member of the moderation team leaves the community, they will be removed from moderation. If a moderator stops playing the game, they will be removed from moderation.


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