Sanari Shadowtear

Chancellor of War, High Priestess of the Forgotten Shadow Sanari Shadowtear (a.k.a. Shadow's Chill, The Butcher of Eastweald)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When she died, Sanari was still young. Though unfortunate, in her undeath it has left her with a form of eternal youth that she strives rather hard to keep in as pristine condition as she can by way of chemicals, preservatives and oils. Physically, Sanari is lithe and slender. Her skin is a pallid, ashy white with hints of black veins occasionally appearing beneath where it has thinned, and her hair is long, black and pin straight.

Body Features

Sanari’s body holds evidence of stitch work and scarring from former wounds and battles. They appear to have been cared for enough to be kept minimal at best so that her skin is largely unmarred. The largest appear to be running along each of her sides, moving up from her hips to the side of her ribcage. It can be noted that compared to the natural flow of her skeletal structure that her lower two sets of ribs appear to jut out unnaturally. Her fingers are of sharpened bone, as like most undead, but well kept. No one has ever seen her toes. And no one ever will.

Facial Features

Unlike most Forsaken, she has no evidence of eyes but rather hollow, black sockets. Black greasepaint is often applied in in a descending point pattern, somewhat like the markings seen on members of the Cult of the Damned. Sanari, however, has no connections to this cult so the reason why she keeps such markings is unknown and likely just superficial in nature.

Mental characteristics


A fondness for books as well as the written and spoken word holds her. Sanari finds immense pleasure in reading, researching and writing, her command of the quill is impeccable as a result. In addition, she can comfortably hold conversations not only in Common and Gutterspeak, but also in Thalassian, Darnassian and Trollish, as well as write in Orcish and Dwarven Runes. She also holds great interest in the religious natures of her fellow horde races. She is well read into many of their practices and their importance in their society.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sanari is a woman of two faces. Outwardly, she exhibits a rather harsh, stern countenance. She holds herself with great poise as if to stare the world down through her nose. Her tongue is cruel and sharp and quick to cut down those she sees as inferior by her standard. To those she has deigned friends, allies or otherwise subjects of her respect, as few as they are, she is known to hold great care for. Great lengths are taken to protect those she views as her peers and companions.

Morality & Philosophy

It is within the Shadow and the Void that Sanari’s greatest attention lies. A practitioner and devout follower, herself, she spends much of her time in study of it’s nature. Sanari holds the belief that the Shadow is not only the superior of all powers, but also the basis upon which the world is formed. The Shadow, to her, is the clay in which all is made. She believes in the divinity of the self and of ascension. It seemed to be that for a time she strayed from these beliefs, before disappearing entirely. However, interestingly, time has shown her begin to return to the flock.

Personality Characteristics


The growth, development and long term stability of Lordaeron and it's people.


Family Ties

Praxos Shadowtear (Husband) (Deceased)

Religious Views

Cult of the Forgotten Shadow

It was not long ago that Sanari Shadowtear was raised into the world from death. Yet, she had managed to bring significant power and influence to her name through political and military maneuvering.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chancellor of War
High Priestess of the Forgotten Shadow
Baroness of Wraithstone
N/A (Died at age 19)
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Wraithstone Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey
130 lbs (Unarmored)


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