Tyrinade Liania Moonsong

Countess Tyrinade Liania Moonsong (a.k.a. The Red Lady)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

From afar Tyrinade is much taller than most female elves at 7'1" and with a lithe physique. Made fun of for it as a child, and she catches flak for it as an adult. Common insults included: Giraffe, Tyrinade the Tree, Half Troll Tyr.   Skin a pale unatural gray, which is surprisingly intac.   She has a pair of leathery San'layn wings that reach a full span of roughly eighteen feet.

Body Features

Tyrinade is reasonably attractive even in undeath.

Identifying Characteristics

Taller than most Elves and easily noticable from afar.   Large, leathery San'layn wings.   Her ears point nearly straight up with a bat like appearance to them.   Scourge blue eyes burn with Lichfire.

Physical quirks

She is flirty and can be seductive, Tyrinade will use her looks to her advantage whenever she can.   Tyrinade speaks her mind, and cares very little who hears.   "No offense" isn't in her vocabulary. "Complete offense" would be a better example.   She likes to play with her food.   She is a messy eater.   She's not bad, she's just written that way.

Special abilities

Though she can not fly she uses her wings like weapons or extra appendages. Using them to root herself or impale enemies equally.   She is a master Necromancer and is personally responsible for the creation of other San'layn, Death Knights, and Lich's.   As a daughter of the San'layn she is a natural Hemomancer, the practice coming as easily to her as breathing to the living.   She is an accomplished fleet admiral and has several naval victories under her belt.

Apparel & Accessories

Heartdrinker, the Cursed Staff.   She carries a huge polearm on her back. Corrupted even further from it's crimson form into a massive halberd of shadows. The souls of the damned cry out for escape from it's cursed blades, and every soul she slays only adds to it's power. Tyrinade has used the damned weapon her entire life, becoming just as much a part of her as her own arm. Heart Drinker hungers just as she does, it's ravenous lust for blood stronger than ever...and it calls to her.   Her armor has deep red runes etched into every available inch of it. Some in recognizable Thalassian, others in unrecognizable languages. You don't want to know what they say.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Despite the high elves' official departure from the Alliance, some elves still remained true to their former human and dwarven allies. The altruistic priests of Quel'Thalas refused to abandon their roles as healers and agreed to remain in Lordaeron despite the edicts from their reclusive masters in Silvermoon. The high elven priests used their Light-given powers to heal the wounded and bolster the spirits of Lordaeron's fighting elite"   Tyrinade was one of those elves. She refused to stand idly by as the undead plague ravaged the human lands. She knew it would only be a matter of time before it would spread to her own lands, just as the orcs had years before. She left Silvermoon as part of a host of Elves intent on healing the lands from the plagues. Little did she know that it would lead to a chance encounter that changed her life forever.   "Greetings. We are Priests from Quel'Thalas. We've come to help heal the land of this strange curse."   "As always, the generosity of the Elves is greatly appreciated."   "You should know that there is a granary warehouse at the far end of this village. This evil Blight may be evident there as well."   She still remembered the words even if she couldn't see who it was. Standing in formation and waiting. She quickly found herself joined by a mishmash of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves under the command of the son of King Terenes. There was a mage there as well, but human women all looked the same to her.   She continued to serve with them, refusing to head home until the source of the plague was found and destroyed. They purified Stratholme which had become infested with the plague of undeath. She witnessed the betrayal of Uther the Lightbringer and his subsequent dismissal by the Prince. She agreed, he was just like her leaders. They lacked the resolve to finish the job and innocents would suffer because of weak willed men like him. She followed the Prince to the frozen North along with the rest of the troops who remained loyal. Regardless of what the shortsighted Paladin believed.   The journey was long and by the time they had reached Northrend, she had had plenty of time to reflect on past events. Going over the horrors she witnessed over the last few weeks. How could her leaders have been so short sighted? How could they have been so foolish?The cultists and the plague had sprung up so rapidly, or had it? Was it lurking in the shadows for years and she didn't know? Or perhaps they did know and were powerless to stop it!? It didn't matter. The source of it all was before them. She was here, and had every intention of seeing the end of the Plague and the dreadlord too. What she didn't realize was that victory was only the beginning.   The Prince had indeed defeated the Dreadlord Mal'ganis, and claimed an incredibly powerful weapon for himself. But then vanished into the wastes suddenly. It wasn't until some time later he returned....changed. Remembering the screaming throughout the camp getting closer. She readied for an assault, rushing out of her tent she looked around and realized the attack had come from their own. The scene she witnessed was terrifying; undead had indeed returned and many resembled her comrads. Worse yet, scores of them seemed to be surrendering? No not surrendering. They were kneeling before a dark figure and allowing themselves to be slain and then….risen! It was the prince she had followed all the way to Northrend.   Perhaps it was a combination of fear and adrenaline, but she marched right up to the host kneeling before him, she looked him directly in the eyes and felt the power he possessed! She had not felt anything like it before! She knew he was strong, and he had led her this far. He had been able to do what was needed when it mattered most. He had shown her true strength, and the resolve to act unlike her foolish leaders. She had seen the true power of undeath, and in the right hands how it could be used.. She had followed him to the ends of the earth once, and she would do it again and again.   She nodded and knelt before him, presenting herself to her Prince.

Gender Identity

Female (Undead)


Gay Married


Studied under the Priesthood of Quel'Thalas and was ordained after the completion of her studies.   Improvised Combat training during the onset of the Third War.   Graduate of Scholomance School of Necromancy.   Furthered her crafts under the Scourge.


Served as a Priest of Quel'Thalas   Served as a Necromancer of the Scourge Served as a Necromancy Instructor of the Scourge   Combat Instructor for the Onyx Rose (Discontinued) Matron of the Onyx Rose (Discontinued)   Admiral of the Horde Field General of the Horde Ambassador of the Horde   Ambassador of the Eternal Court   Watcher of the East

Accomplishments & Achievements

Service History
  Current Serial Number #1138M   -1st Legion   -Veteran of the Battle of Andorhal   -Veteran of the Battle of Hearthglenn   -Veteran of the Battle of Drak'Tharon Keep   -Cult of the Damned   -Veteran of the Fall of Lordaeron   -Veteran of the Fall of Quel'Thalas   -Veteran of the Battle of Dalaran City   -Veteran of the Scourge Civil War   -Killed in Action at the Battle of Icecrown   -Infiltrated and Attacked Stormwind City during the   -First Scourge Invasion   -Served as an Instructor at En'Kilah   -Captured at the Battle of Icecrown Citadel   -Released to the Onyx Rose Paladins for Evaluation   -Studied under a trio of Paladins before being sent to Pandaria   -Sent to Pandaria to study under another master   -Reintegrated into society by the Onyx Rose   -Veteran of the Legion Invasions, Azerothian Service Only   -Veteran of the Fourth War   -Veteran of Teldrassil   -Veteran of the Battle of Lordaeron (Fourth War)   -Veteran of the Zandalar Campaigns   -Veteran of the Battle for Stromgarde   -Veteran of the Battle of Darkshore -Veteran of the Vashjir Campaigns   -Veteran of the Battle of Menethil Harbor   -Veteran of the Uldum Campaigns   -Veteran of Pandaria Campaigns   -Served as High Warlord of the Lichfall Campaigns   -Veteran of the Tropic Sunder Campaigns   -Veteran of the Thornwake Campaigns   -Veteran of the Lichfall Campaigns   -Veteran of the Everfrost Campaign

Failures & Embarrassments

Joined the Cult of the Damned   Was killed in service to the Cult (Raised)   Was Captured at the Battle of Icecrown Citadel (Released)   Captured by Alliance forces during the Zandalar Campaigns (Rescued)   Captured by Alliance Forces during the Blackrock Campaigns (Released)   Assaulted a Dwarven Dignitary during the Tropic Sunder Campaigns. (Relations Severely Damaged)

Mental Trauma

Borderline verbal abuse from her father   Bullied as a child and young adult for her extraordinary height and awkward appearance   Traumatized during the Battle of Andorhal, Hearthglenn, and Stratholm   Manipulation and brainwashing at the encouragement of the Cult of the Damned   Suffered the trauma of death and raising into undeath   Physically beaten and abused while imprisoned by the Ebon Blade

Countess Tyrinade Liania Moonsong, Blood Matron of Rose Hallow Island, Blood Princess of the Scourge, Betrayer of the Lightharted, Bane of the Montclaire, Ambassador of Wolves, and Admiral of the Damned.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil, Service to Others
Appears in her twenties
Date of Birth
September 3rd
Current Residence
Rose Hallow Island
Lichfire Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale unnatural white
Seven Feet, One Inch
Two hundred and forty pounds
Known Languages
Common Thallasian Dwarven Zandali Scourge Nerubian Zombie Mrrgll Goblin


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