Spirit Attunement

Amongst the many elite attuments, the Spirit attunement is considered to be the most coveted. It is not one that can be acquired via training and study, you are either born with it, or can hope till your death that it will be granted to you by some means of divine intervention.   Those who are born with the Spirit attunement are immediately taken by the Valiants, an elite fighting force of Eternium, to be raised amongst the other Väel'Nyir like them. It is considered an extreme honor to have a child taken by the Valiants, and the family of the babe is often treated with great respect after. Siblings become prominent marriage matches, and parents find themselves brought into important meetings they otherwise would have been excluded from.   Spirit attuned beings spend much of their time at some state between the worlds, a foot on each side of the veil. Their knowledge of the cosmos and intricacies of earth come from all those who have passed on, or who tread as they wish on the other side.   However, for all their knowledge and understanding, most Spirit users are quite weak in battle and offensive abilities. Their mana pools though deep, are most often being used constantly with otherworldly passive or active abilities, as well as the generation of long term spells.   Spirit users are the slowest active magic users, many Elites only know a handful of spells. However, where they lack in variety, they excel in power and difficulty, meaning they are quite difficult to dispel once cast.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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