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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
Neurocites are a strange species, who some argue should not even be considered a species. Found all across the planet, though particularly close to bloodlines, this species seems to stem directly from the magic of the planet. At a glance, they seem to be somewhat related to the phenomenon of ghosts, but further examinations show the two "species" to be incredibly different from one another. Where ghosts waver in and out of visibility due to their connection to the planet's magic, neurocites manipulate the magic around them to ensure a constant and steady connection. They are able to communicate with other species, albeit to a limited capacity, making them legally protected from any interference. For this reason, they are known to be incredibly annoying for arcane researchers, who must halt all research if one enters a certain radius of them.
Oooo, interesting. I like that they enjoy following people around. XD
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