Technomantic Research and Academic Safety Policy

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Created by the Office of Technomantic Research Health and Safety, this document dictates the guidelines which all technomancers must follow regarding safety in the workplace and for operating and creating machinery. This document does not outline the specific safety requirements per lab or requirements for technomantic machinery, but this is typically an agreement that technomancers must sign before being permitted to work in a lab for an organisation or university.
Manual, Scientific


The Office of Technomantic Research Health and Safety (OTRHS) is committed to:
  • Ensuring the safety of people inventing or interacting with technomantic objects.
  • Promoting a culture of safety among technomantic researchers, students, and consumers.
  • Ensuring safe and healthy work environment to work, study, or visit.
  • Protecting the natural environment.
OTRHS' academic, research, and operations units will assess the safety and environmental impact of lab and research projects and will implement strategies to reduce the risk. Units with specialised health and safety requirements for their operations, based upon planetary, district, or other organisation rules, must develop specific policies and procedures that are consistent with OTRHS requirements and external legal obligations.

All organisations, researchers, students, and operators must be aware of the responsibilities outlined below and adhere to them while in technomantic laboratories or when conducting technomantic research regardless of location.

A culture of safety is a shared responsibility. Everyone must accept responsibility for the wellbeing of themselves as well as those around them; enabling everyone to go home at the end of the day as healthy as when they arrived. To fulful this commitment all members of the technomancy community have the following general responsibilities.

General Responsibilities

All organisations, researchers, students, and operators must:

  • Adhere to the highest standards for the safe operation of machinery and facilites and the protection of our environment and the people of the communities in which we work.
  • Integrate safety and environmental management into all technomantic activities
  • Provide instruction for visitors on all applicable environmental, health, and safety requirements specific to activity conducted and location.
  • Continuously strive to improve safety practices in light of advances in technology and technomancy and new understandings in safety, health, and environmental science.
  • Report issues or raise questions to your supervisor, professor, or member of the OTRHS so that action can be taken to prevent or correct safety concerns. All reporting must be done without fear of reprisal; however, anonymous reporting can also be made through the OTRHS. The preference is to make a local report so safety concerns can be addressed promptly.
  • Immediately report any emergency situation such as a fire, spill, arcane overflow, or other concern for prompt emergency response and reporting requirements, if applicable.
  • Receive and understand safety training appropriate to their level of technomantic activity.
  • Take responsibility for personal safety as well as the safety of others in the work area. Notify everyone in the immediate vicinity of hazardous situations or operations and follow all alarms, warnings, and direction from emergency management staff.

Anyone in a management, supervisory, or mentorship role must:

  • Assume responsibility for the safety of those under their supervision or oversight.
  • Take all appropriate steps to make all within their area aware of potential hazards and proper management of the risks, including training and proper equipment to carry out activities safely and meet environmental compliance.
  • Encourage anyone within their area to report problems, issues, or suggested improvements without fear of reprisal.
  • Investigate and address reported issues in a timely manner.
  • Serve as a role model and set a positive example for safety by following established safe work practices and implementing corrective actions brought to their attention.
  • Stop an operation under their supervision immediately if it poses an imminent threat to people, the environment, or facilities.
  • Report to higher administration levels failures of persons within their area to adhere to safety or regulatory requirements.


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