In truth, the scarcity of the ogresh is a result of their particular biology. Young ogresh mature slowly, and during their extended youth, which may last decades, they are driven by a deep-seated sense of wanderlust. This feeling compels them to travel in search of a suitable area to settle, consisting of ample natural resources, a local population of sentient creatures, and a lack of other ogresh nearby. Once they decide upon an area, an ogresh enters the second stage of their life, which is marked by a drastically increased appetite and a mostly sedentary lifestyle. More than a single ogresh could easily deplete the surplus of a small village, so the reason for their wanderlust is a simple case of biological necessity.
Given their reliance on other species, it comes as no surprise that the ogresh are masters of social interaction. Each individual is born with an inherent ability to read body language and vocal cues helpful in discerning the attitude of others. Indeed, the vast stores of knowledge often attributed to the ogresh is a reflection of their uncanny ability to glean information about an individual through these subtle clues. Even a casual conversation could end up revealing far more than one would intend to these keen observers, and the ogresh are smart enough to capitalize on such information.
P. 11-12 Grim Hollow Players Guide
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