BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Xander Wisperwood


Xanders Journal

page 1 (First memory) i am riding This journal to keep the memory in case i lose them again. what i belvie is my oldes memory is me whet a lady and a man walking tho a towen. the buildings are rly hige whet losts of flores. and i am happy?. i dont know how i know but this is from the bruch empire. the next thing i know is the filing elektrisety tho my hole body. i cant se i can feal anything and i dont know where i am. i start to dig my self out just to find my self at a burnd down bulidning. i brush what is left of my close of and start to walk. while im walking i can feal somthing is worng but i dont knwo what. at this point i dont know if i have walk in 10 mins or days. but after what feal like an eternety i se som thing. what was most astunising whas that i cud walk the hole time whet out fealing tirest. i was not out of breath whet is strange cuz i am sure i was wary ill and was ling the bed allmost every day ever sins i was a child. but now i can move and run and i am just fine and i feal notning. i know i am supose to feal happy that i can walk and scert that i dont know where i am. but it is like i cant recall fealings. when i get closer to the thing in the distents i see 2 carts driving slow acros the land. but there is no horses. a man come out see me and calls me to him. and i black out.       Page 2 (Meating Dean) when i woke up a tall man where stading over me. nomely i wud jump out for the chock but i was srangely calm the man was bald whet a par og goggls on his head and a a brown gray beard. his close where all lether whet a dosen or more pokeds. he intrudust him self as Dean. Dean ask me where a come from and how i ended up in summerhelm. i was confused how did i end up here? i told him whet i cud remember not that it was much. Dean was looking at me strange and after some mombling to him self sayd. well the meal is not for free so if you want some you have to work for it whet a big grin on his face. he look happy? i know what happy means but some how i cud not understandt. somthing must worng whet me. the next coppel of days Dean gave me some taske. polish equepment, de dust the vagon, putting shoveling coal down a hole in the 2 wagons . with i some how mest up. i have no ider what is worng and way i cant follow the simpelest comandt i do understandt them right?. but Dean just grunded and show me slowly while he toldt med way it is so importent and how to do it. strangely that workedt after i saw and got eksplaint how and way to do the taske i did it eksaktly as Dean almost like i mimik his every moment.     Page 3 (startet to work) one day Dean came to me and ask. so what is your name? you know my name but you never intrudust your self. whet pusseld me. what was my name? way cant i remeber my own name? isent you name supost to be sacret to you you hole existens? Dean looked at me warely after i told him that. he asked are you runing from some one? and to be honest i was not sure ether. after a bit of silence Dean grunded and sayd what about Xander? and you can get my last name wisperwood as well he smiled. to be honest i had no complain it was like it gave me a Pepes somthing to strid for. the next few Weeks i jounied whet Dean acros the contry where i learnd a lote. it turns out that Dean is quite skiled ind every thing. we foud a wagon where the while have ben destroyd by a Rock and Dean made a new one for them. while we where driving tho a smal city Dean made midecin for an ill famely by nerby plantlife and other timer he will reper armor and wepon and the forge that he hade stort in the other wagon. he even made me some difrent close i cud use. and i was whet him lerning the hole time. and it look like when he was finish whet a job, he wud aske for payment not in copper or silver but in matiriels, food or other things and never more then thay cud affodre.     Page 4 (First Fealings) as the days whent on i startet to understandt what is moraly right and moraly worng. a costemer a solider who lived betwin Landhaus and Ulstenburg was comming by to get his chain armor repert. not that it was worn out or broken but becurse he was getting to fat to get into it. the man talk whet Dean while i was lisening and sayd he needed it fixed after a battle so it will fit him again. where i pointet out that it was brand new and never use befor. the man got angry at me? got red in the head and startet to yell how dear i insoult a Noble Family and how he wud make sure to get me arrestet and executet. that was the first time i felt fear my boody startet to shake and i drop every thing i had in my hands and run into the wagon. i was shaking and tears startet to run down my face. it was so extream and at the same time fasenating i was not sure i was able to feal anything befor this point but here it was the most basic fealing of suvival after the yealling where quiet down and the man left Dean came to seak me out. he looked stunt when he saw me. he wasent mad at me for insulting his costumer but more and intresting and curious asking about my tears and my tremoring body. after some questing he camely ask me way the man reaktet the way he did. and i undertand it? not sure but somthing i will keep in my mind for a long time.     Page 5 (the goat pin) at some point of this jorney we came to Vollendorf. Dean had told me ahead of time that a lote of merchens gather there to trade there gods. it is a good midel point to stok up on resorses befor traveling into one of the mager citys. and we alson needed a guid to get us tho The Grove maze. Dean have told me storys of lost adventuers who traveld in the Maze but never returnt or found. while Dean was out at trak down a guid i was left at the wagons. we have parked them next to a fram where thay had a lote of goats. i was looking at then for houers to Dean returndt. he took a short look at the goat and ask me. wud you like to se something funny? i looked at Dean i wud like to se it but i am not sure if i understandt funny. Dean took a pear up and thow it in the goat pin. and a loud bang came from the pearl. all the goat was runing a way in fear exept for 2 goats who startet to run and froze and fald over. i know i saw it but way did thay do that and way are thay lying down whet there legs in the air? Dean laughed so lound and had a hard time getting his breath. i ask way do thay do that? Dean toldt me about a gean goats have. 1 in every 10 goats will freeze when danger apere son the rest can get away safly. that was a weard gean say I and startet to laughed my self i cuden stop just the thouth of a gean who did that was agenst the hole live part and mede no sens but it was there. and it dident help the Goat farmer came runing for us after words and demantet Payment for scarying his Goats.     Page 6 (Alison Bidi) it turns out Dean had found a femail haff elf as guide whet name is Alasi Bidi. Alasin had short brown hear, a scar on he chin and whet a bow on her back. you wudent know she was a haff elff if you dident know mostly cuz her ear was cut so she look like a human. i lernd that Dean and Alison had Knowen each other for some time, Alison looked at me whet a strange look. after a short time she sayd. well shal we get going it is not that i am gettin any younger. ether Alison was a good guide or we got lucky cuz the next 2 week nothing happent of intrest. i startet to read Deans books whet i was told was on gnomish. i looked tho Deans blueprints. the design and ditale whas armesing. i got desterpt by Alison lerking in the corner of the wagon. Alison sayd. so you are Deans new pride and joy. it took a bit of time for the word to find meaning. so Dean is proud of me? there is was again the strange fealing i know what the word mean but some how i cud not make them make sens. it was starting to get furiading. why cudent i just understandt. afte a bit i sayd. well it is not that i have traveldt whet Dean for long and it is not that i can remeber anything elles. Alison came close looked at me up and down. you realy is a strange one ant you. and Alison left. after a moment where i moldt that ower i when back to the blueprints. the blueprint was starting to get coldt. i cud feel it? the cole paper in my fingers who slowly got warm from my touch. this sensesion was som what comfoting. at least i was starting to get back to normal.     Page 7 (shady Deal) we where headet straid to Voros after we lost side of out of The Grove Maze. we where running low on warter and food also Dean had a contakt who wud help us sell some cargo Dean brout whet him. i cud feel the air get hotter every day we travelt. i was so captuvadedt by Dean,s books. my eyes was lingering over a titel called Steal defender even thou it was only a prodtype. after spending 4 days in the dark Reading Dean call me up. we where aravied at the towen. we use the first day buying and storing warter, drinks, food and snackes. and som new procheked that Dean was thriled to get his hands on. for some reson we had got 4 sacks og carots. meals ahve just ben to suvive it have lost its flawor and was just somthing i needed to get done whet the faster the better. in the evning Dean came back whith a parthment and smiling. he told me that we needed a permet to be able to sell anything forwerds. he hade struk a deal whet some guys who had shush permet and that was gonna travel whet us the next few days. i asked Dean what was ud weht all the carots? Dean lauth and took a Carith and startet to cut it. after a few minits where i was looking he startet to play mucik from it liek a flute. he grind and sayd and when you are done you can eat it. and it was the first time i mounth i cud taste what i was eating. i was exitet and startet to praktis making my own flute.     Page 8 (artificher traning) in the morning we meet up whet the 2 persons calld Amun and Gus who was lending us there permit. aperenty we where hedet towards Toletum. aperently there was a a lot of work for some one who cud make or reper wepons and armor. on ower way Dean startet to show we stuf you cud do whet his inventions. he show me how to ingrave runes and fill them whet magic. it took me some time but i manege to make a stone procekt light and make a box repite my voice for 5 sec. Dean startet to teach me aobut the bace sience around runes and there probety. aperently if you have a rune and have an understanding what it mens you can fill it whet the right form of maigc and you can do a lote of difrence things. and it help a lote when Dean startet to tech me how to use magic for every day use. start a fire weht out maches, blow hot air out of your hands, make light, sound or smels out of no where. i had never been so busy befor and all of a suden we where almost at Toletum.     Page 9 we Stoped a bit away from the towen. Amun and Gus needed to get in contact whet aFrend as thay call it who wud make our stay a lot easyer. and next morning we had a metting whet a guys named Z. Z was not his real name i was toled but his job where to get us quickly intoo the tower and be there in case somthing was gonna chek our permidt. what was most interesting about Z was his Ring. every time i practis Deteckt magic it keeped glowwing. after i asked him about it he wud denie it and go away. on our journi in the city i saw Z mulitbule times show the ring to some one and the gaurds wud turn around and let us acses the city or we wud be led into a smale aly for a short cut. we where ledt to a big open space filed whet other mechens who where busy selling or trading goods some even bouth some from other for selling it for more. it was a strang experiens so far i needed to walk around to find something i needed to do but now i cud not even leave the caravan cuz peapel was rushing to.       Page 10 (busy work days) the next 4 days i did nothing exept working. i had so much to do that i berely had time to sleep. i overherd some one talk about a roumer that an upcoming Crusade was inevitably. what that even ment. i was repering armor crafting dagers and repering swords and it was hard to stay in the time limet but we manege somehow. on the 4 day mid day when it was at the hottest Dean asked if i like to go explore the city for an hour and see how some of thay orther merchens was doing just in case i wantet to make something of my own at some point. just the thouth of that made me exited my own invension what wud it be and most importent what wud it be able to do? well no time to stay back so i took some carrots and an exstar warter skin and when on an adventuer. to my suprice there was a lot of thinges you cud do if the had the skill for it. but non the less i walked deep intoo the city playing my carrot flute.       Page 11 (Meeting Alex)


mersions cantract magic is not alowd. you will working for them 1 slive coin every day get payd every 10 days. if we make troble we will be called in. we ville be expektet to work profecenely if we fail we wille not get payt we are citesent not gard limmedet right to use force. perferly not killeing any kide og necromantik and change mide is iligel   we will be expektet to take care of spichale mision as well. if we get promison we can arest some one. informe there is some murder whet look like thay have bean kill by beast the gaurds is to buisy by other stof and to little info to figuer out what is doing that 5 murder in the last week. 2 lead first lead a famely of 4 was killed 3 days ago second lead the nabor on the other side might have sean somthing but thay cant get him til talk.   report. we come to the house and see the front door i bronek down by force. we find the window broken by a peice of wood thowen tho the window. one the second flow we we find some paper weht some kinde of magic inscription and a sepret fingers whet a ring there show smal ipulse of magic on it. there is a clere evedens that the famelie whas killd in there beds show by the blood shater all over the wall. we found paper over whate the famely hade for intect and what thay use form there tresury. after we have looked at the ring it was a password whet will make a mark appere the pasword is stil unknowen.   in the evning we finde a house who is broken into we find 3 men and 2 dogs who is attaking the famely. we stop the assult we kill 2 of the men and get one knok out and we kill the 2 dogs. we find a woman alive but bruse but alive and we allert the gauds to get the man into costety. alle the mans have the sympel of the empayers.    

The adventuer

the story starts 157 after the god disapert the 4 aera of man. and 70 yera after the magic aperet and 70 year ago the vampyer aperet. the (6 of ches) the 3 month of the year. we start in Enderland a miletary provins who follow the god of war. there is romer about at creater only know as the great beast but no one is alowd to talk about it. the land is in war but ever sins the vampyer came there ahve been a satil mate. the castinen provinse is on a holy crusade to kill all magic caster a prinses from the chanault empier have disapert. valakan clan is in war the 6 bigest trypes right now it dosent feal like there is peas anywhere.   The warm plase a chep plaes where it is clean and there is food. owner a woman whet the name Astrid Barrett a bit hevy bones and her hear is setting into a bon just come out of the kichen for the rush our. a nice lady who is weard out by strange behavier and food is in the price.   the lazy drake (picher off the drake there is laying on a fireplace) own by silvian saval haff elff fra the chaiv kaingdom motest but nice.  


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