BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 6


  • Dato 22/04/23
  • Til stede: Jonas, Kedde, Kewin & Michelle
  • Level 2
Recap: After returning from the magic school, Alexandra meets back up with Xander and is informed about the mission him, Constantin and their green party member Kjárr. Though the mission was incomplete they returned and soon was one less in the party. Constantin had taken his leave, leaving the party as a trio. After a meeting, Xander, Kjárr and Alexandra leaves to finish the mission they had already begone the killing of wolfs. On their journey they come across a small child who was being "played" with by giant otters. Saving the child they learn their name is Kim. Taking a liking to Kim the group agree to offer Kim a chance to join them on their travels. Continuing down the road, they come across a familiar caravan. Doing a bit of persuasion, the owner "the Duke" would come out and talk business with the group after learning of their mercenary occupation, seeking to enrich his fascination in taste "the Duke" promises pay for bringing him the wolfs body as the rumors said they were not normal wolfs. They "agree" to go out at night to hunt down the 8 wolfs that Xander remember seeing. however only 4 are spotted and a fight break out after the wolfs try and spring a surprise attack. The rumors were true, these were not normal wolfs. they had become corrupted somehow or by something. After the fight, Alexandre and Xander had both sustained close to critical damage, however both still on there feet they bring back 4 wolf corpses to "the Duke" and go to sleep. Though Alexandra deicides to stay awake until he has taken whatever he needs from the heads and finishes with the bodies, receiving the payment she drifts off to sleep. In the morning their journey continues onward. Deciding to move forward to find the remaining 4 wolfs they travel further down the road. Kjárr finding some relatively fresh tracks leads the way, bringing them to a farm which proves to have been the place of what looks to be a ritual. after investigating they bring back the skulls of wolfs and one human head.

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