BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 12


  • Dato 7/10/23
  • Til stede: Jonas, Mads, Xander, Kjarr, Michelle
  • Level 3
The city, in a state of panic as buildings are becoming ingulfed in flames. Alexandra is the first to arrive to the fire and sees that it is the church that is burning. Not being able to make her way through without struggle, she uses her powers in hope to create a path. This however was a mistake and she is now being forced to the ground and thrown in to the center, were she sees others tied up. The same knight that she had just talked to arrives and looks at her tied up, remowing Harrys mask from her face to get a better look. She gets released and quickly walks towards Roland who through all of this has been in a heated discussion about what should be done with the culprits, the decision ended with burning alive in the church. Harry, Kim, Xander and Kjárr soon arrive at the scene and try to help the fire from spreading. They soon however see Roland and Alex in the center of the gathering of people. Making their way through the spot Alex walking towards the burning church, before Roland yells out her full name and she turns around filled with anger and turning into a specter shocking herself and of cause Roland. Xander spotting Alexandra's joins her by the church as Alex wants to save the people that were condemn to burn alive. Harry staying by Roland and talking to him, Kjárr being drunk and leaning on to Harry until he spots Roland. Kim is still helping out trying to control the fire. Xander helps get the people inside the church out as Alex is making sure no one interferes. As the people inside are saved, people slowly disband and the day is slowly coming to and end.   The day after the fire, the group split up as Alex goes to the jail, to talk to the people arrested. Harry and kim goes to have a look at the church, Xander and Kjárr goes to find some nice clothes as they have been inviteded to a fancy gathering up in high town. In the prison Alex are allowed to talk to the inmates but only under observation, she starts by speaking to one of the people Xander helped her save from the church, before moving on to a few of the students that were captured, and with the headmaster, before being summoned to Roland's office. Everyone else had already arrived and been in a heated discussion with Roland about everything that has happened in the last days. With Alexandra arrive, thing turn somewhat aggressive. The group gets told that after their next job their contracts will be terminated, everyone except for Xander which leaves him with a big decision to make. Roland asks everyone except Alex to leave the room and the two have a rather calm discussion compared to what happened with everyone involved. As they all leave to head towards high town, they decide on visiting a bathhouse, to get themselves ready for the big night. At the gathering, tensions are high. Once again the group splits up as to do their own thing. However not long after the lord speaks to the crowed about the lands future plans, specifically war. The big highlight of the night is when he asks everyone to enter on to the balcony, for a few moments after, a dragon swoops down over them, and out in the horizon you can see two more dragons.

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