BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 11


  • Dato 26/08/23
  • Til stede: Jonas, Mads
  • Level 3
  The festival is still booming, Harry and alex meet up at the bar in the tavern they are staying at and both seem either hungover or tired (or maybe a bit of both). While having a discussion they get interrupted by a student from the magic academy who tells them that Roland would like to speak with them. The two of them travel along and enter Roland's office, while there they get informed that powerful people are arriving to the city today, However there seemed to have been some rather unfortunate complications on there travel and Harry and Alex will be sent out to check up on things, but first they have to travel to the fine part of town and speak with a man called Benedict Farewell. They take their leave to first go speak with one of the teachers at the magic academy as Alex wanted a translation of the mysterious box they found in the underground at the farm, and found out it said
"In the cover of close friendship, you can survive in the cover of close friendship you can hide"
before go speak with Benedict and as they arrive neither of them are all too pleased with his attitude. They take their leave and travel towards one of the gates, where they are met with a whole lot of people, and Roland who was trying to gain control of the situation. On the road they run in to the transport from the Castinellian province and Alex get to borrow Harry's mask to hide herself from the knights. They get informed that the transport has been under attack for some time now, Alex and Harry thanks the them for all the information and continues on their travels and finds the culprits, which seemed to be a plant like creature, after spending some time trying to communicate with the plants they finally come to and understanding and try to rectify the complications that seemed to be between the plants and the Castinellian crusade.   After finding a somewhat diplomatic solution, Alex leaves to try and find someone who can cast a spell, so they can communicate just a little better, this however takes most of the day and she arrives back in town late in the evening, knowing she is running late she gets in contact with a student named Lucy who takes her to her room after some convincing to hand Alex a scroll of "comprehend language". Before storming out of Lucy's room and back towards the gate. In the meantime Harry has been spending time with the plants and made them stay at the spot they first found them, the plants however wanting to leave as one of them had gone missing, left Harry with little to no choice and he followed them to a spot where the missing plant creature seemed to have been burned and killed. After this the plants seemed contempt and decided to leave as would Harry. Meeting up again back in the city left Alex a little confused but after getting the story of what had happened she understood and became angry. Once again they split as Alex wanted to confront one of the knights in the crusade, still holding on to Harry's mask to hide herself, she follows one of them but gets spotted, not wanting to drag any more attention to herself she plays it off and starts up a conversation, trying to convince the knight to teach her archery, before they split.

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