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The main timeline of Etheris and all the major event in it

the Unknown Wild

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3rd Era of Man: the Great era of Man's Unity

0 > 537 GMU

This is the era where the four gods Aurelia, Ulmyr, Maligant and Galt banded together to choose one human to rule them all. The Hearthkeepers of Aurelia fund a divine gifted boy by the name Thancred who was Crown Emperor Indorius, first of his line

  • 345 GMU
    Founding of The OSTOYAN EMPIRE

    Ostoya was founded centuries ago by Bürach secessionists—migrants who fled the fledgling Bürach Empire’s tumultuous early days to find a more peaceful country.

4th Era of Man: God's End

0 > .... G

The story goes After more than five countries of The Bürach Empire being unified under the four gods, Emperor Leopold I of The Bürach Empire exhorted the masses to believe that only one of the four gods should rule supreme. Why should they each follow four, when only one--the greatest, most powerful of all--was deserving of their devotion? Each sect then began to argue that their god should be the One True Deity    The gods warred in the heavens, causing calamities such as storms, flash fires, and earthquakes. Their hostility quickly spread to their worshippers. Within a year, the Bürach Empire had descended into civil war as the four provinces fought among themselves and the Gods sent down some of their Generals and soldiers to aid the battle.    To end the violence, individuals conspired against the emperor. Their assassins swept into the imperial palace and killed Leopold and ended the war. On that night a star flew across the skies illuminating the entire continent. it is said that when the star hit Etheris the God's disappeared   Quite possibly the greatest cataclysm to strike Etharis was the disappearance of the gods. Few people know the truth of their disappearance, are they hiding, captured, dead or never existed, to begin with, but all are aware that praying to the gods brings no aid and no relief. The divine magic that always offered healing and protection to those in need almost completely vanished, and now few remain who can remember that golden age.

  • 0 G - 85 G
    The Wild Magic Surge

    The disappearance of the four Gods sent a shockwave of magic throughout the continent which weakened magic in the world   Arcane Magic became unstable and high magic became near impossible to manifest for 85 years, in that time some people could still use a weaker version of their former magic but most couldn't use any magic. But then one day in the year 85G magic became somewhat stable again   Divine magic disappeared for some time. Divine magic still exists, but is now believed to radiate from the remaining Arch Seraphs and Daemons, not from the gods themselves.   Primal Magic (nature) was only slightly affected

  • 39 G
    The Gnomish Industrial Revolution

    After decades without the guidance of the Gods and with magic highly unstable The different nations were struggling to adapt and they needed something to replace Magic. That thing came when inventors (especially the Gnomish) began focusing on science and began to make major inventions to aid in all aspects of life   The most impactful invention was Muppick Tobkack a Gnomish inventor that made the first modern steam engine in 39 G. Called the “atmospheric steam engine,”. which was used to power mills, ships, factories, breweries and a host of other manufacturing operations   some places like The Castinellan Provinces and The Valikan Clans refused to use these new intentions. Were other places like The Bürach Empire and The Ostoya Empire decided to use them heavily in there sociaty

  • 52 G - 85 G
    The war of Ostoya's independence

    After spending two hundred years taming its borders, the Bürach Empire turned its attention towards expansion. Since the Ostoyans were descended from the Bürach, the Empire deemed them its citizens, ordering them to pay taxes and turn over control of their mines. When the Ostoyans refused, the Bürach attacked.

  • 85 G
    The Darkfall

    Three decades into the Ostoya-Bürach war, a terrible earthquake shook the Soma region. Something sinister underneath the ground was making itself known. The skies darkened permanently over Ostoya as a foul power poured out of cracks in the earth.   Beneath the surface of the land lies a vast sunken metropolis, the City Below, through which untold hordes of undead roam and often reach the surface. This undead plague has created the Crimson Court, the vampire aristocracy that now rules the southern province of Soma

  • 143 G
    The Disappeared of Ulmyr’s Gate

    The Great College quickly became a lodestone for mages of every stripe from across the empire, and for a brief moment there existed a golden age of magic. That dream came crashing down one night when the founding mages of Ulmyr’s Gate attempted a massive conjuration ritual intended to part the veil and create a permanent portal to the Ethereal Plane. It didn’t work. Instead their magic caused a massive rift in the very fabric of reality, and in an instant the entire city tipped into the void between worlds. The entire city was presumed dead

  • 157 G
    Current dag