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Aristocrats are the rulers and wielders of law, and use their position at the top of the social hierarchy to compel others to further their interests. Whether feared or respected, aristocrats make excellent negotiators, diplomats, and schemers.   Skill Proficiency: Choose one from Deception, History, Insight, Performance, Persuasion, or Religion.
Languages: Choose one standard language.
Equipment: A quill and ink, a letter opener, parchment, a piece of fine jewellery that display your status, and 25gp.


From notable socialites to distant noble family members and trusted servants, Courtiers represent the members of the aristocracy who are employed or invited by a ruler to make up their court. Courtiers live in close proximity to the ruling class to assist them and be a part of their world. However, Courtiers are more often seen as schemers and manipulators than helpful assistants. The life of a Courtier is one of dangerous plots, uneasy political alliances, and the occasional act of betrayal when it benefits them.   Skill Proficiency: Deception.
Additional Equipment: A medallion or pin displaying the house of your patron, court clothing.  

Political Manoeuvring

Upon spending an hour speaking to various people at court, and succeeding on a DC15 Charisma (Deception) check, you can conjure and spread a rumour or piece of gossip within a court or political structure. A subject of your choice, whether it be true or false, becomes a topic of hot conversation within the court or political structure where you planted the rumour.  

Rank 1 - Chamber Keeper

You have secured a title as a minor Courtier attending to the needs of the court through menial duties such as fetching wine, or more demanding tasks such as hosting foreign visitors of lesser influence. As a Chamber Keeper you are the unnoticed eyes of the court, making you a valuable informant for court plots.   Holdings:
  • A room or lodging provided by your patron within their estate.
  • A scandalous secret relating to a member of your court.
Progression: Obtain a minor title from your patron that reflects your station.  

Rank 2 - Court Official

You have proven yourself to be a valuable asset to your patron, political allies, and other courtiers. You have been promoted to an official, granting you a minor title and the responsibilities that accompany it. These titles vary, including cofferer, master of the hunt, or any other title befitting your station.   Holdings:
  • The authority and resources associated with your minor title. For example, a cofferer would control financial records, and perhaps even bank access.
  • Up to half a dozen servant hirelings to assist in your daily responsibilities.
Progression: To be granted a greater court title by your patron that reflects your station.  

Rank 3 - Court Patrician

With a greater court title, you have become an essential and respected member of the court. You may have been promoted to steward, cupbearer, master of ceremonies, or some other position of considerable influence in the court.   Holdings:
  • A greater court title and all the privileges that accompany it. For example, the master of the ceremonies would have personal access to their patrons' family for event-planning purposes.
  • A team of servants and lesser Courtiers sworn to you either through authority or intrigue.
  • A private suite within your patron's estate that provides easy access to court and extravagant luxury.
  • Informants and spies throughout the court who report intrigue and valuable information to you.
Progression: To progress in this profession, you must achieve complete control of your Court, through coercion, deception, or any other means. Additionally, you must attain an honourable title.  

Rank 4 - Royal Chamberlain

You have become the most influential member at court. Whether through earnest reputation or political manipulation, you have attained an honourable title of considerable power such as spymaster, regent, or major-domo. Your powerful connections and political alliances make you the unofficial leader at court, arguably with greater power over practical matters than your patron.   Holdings:
  • Complete control over the court's resources, such as finances, hirelings, and establishments.
  • Incriminating information relating to each member at court and their possible weaknesses.
  • Informants and spies across the region, who feed your intrigue regarding your court and others.


Envoys are the representatives of their governments or monarchs to others abroad. Often sent into faraway parts of the world, their responsibility is to forge new alliances, and maintain existing ones. However, much of an Envoy's tasks are reactive; responding to a noble's threats, securing defensive pacts in times of conflict, or bolstering border defences. Envoys go where there is conflict.   Skill Proficiency: Insight.
Additional Equipment: A Royal Seal allowing you to pass through borders with ease, diplomatic garb.  

Diplomatic Connections

Upon spending an hour, and succeeding on a DC15 Wisdom (Insight) check, you can find an ally within the aristocracy, guilds, or professional services. This contact begins as friendly to you and will answer questions you have regarding nobility, politics, and other high society matters.  

Rank 1 - Secretary

You have been appointed secretary for a consulate, responsible for the organisation and assistance of the diplomats within. You work in a thankless and stressful position, but your proximity to influential members of society provides you with many connections. You understand the fundamentals of networking and are talented at finding allies in distant lands.   Holdings:
  • Free lodging within any consulate you represent or work for.
  • A secret encrypted political message you cannot decipher.]/li]
Progression: Assist in completing a dangerous or urgent diplomatic mission.  

Rank 2 - Councillor

You have been entrusted to undertake your first diplomatic missions. Whether stealing a secret, proposing a treaty, or inciting rebellion, you have been sent to the far corners of the world to advance your side's interests. While not yet entrusted with high-profile diplomatic missions, you are still positioned to meet lesser rules and influence their future actions.   Holdings:
  • A personal assistant to help with organising, who accompanies you on diplomatic journeys.
  • Access to equipment and information known to the consulate.
Progression: Complete your own diplomatic mission successfully.  

Rank 3 - Ambassador

Your promotion places you on solid footing within the political landscape. You have met many powerful figures throughout the world and can secure a formal audience with them, at their convenience. Many wish to meet you, and are interested in becoming a part of your vast network of allies. After all, you know exactly the right person for any given job.   Holdings:
  • A team of Envoys to assist you at your consulate.
  • Provisions and resources sent to you by your home region to assist in diplomatic missions.
  • An encryption codex, used to decipher encoded messages sent to and from your home region.
Progression: Negotiate an important treaty between nations, or uncover a great espionage conspiracy within your province.  

Rank 4 - Grand Chancellor

You have single-handedly led negotiations that have reshaped the geopolitical landscape. Wars have been declared and ended based on your efforts. You have travelled the world and made lasting relationships with the truly powerful. While you are not a monarch, monarchs look to you for guidance. There is no doubt that you are the true ruler of kingdoms.   Holdings:
  • Access to restricted and classified documents.
  • You represent your monarch or other absolute authority in external relations. You have access to any resources your monarch will provide you, and broad authority to use them.


Nobles are the blue-blooded rulers of any society, granted authority by birth right. Some are traditional feudal nobles, while others belong to ascendant merchant families. Regardless, nobles represent the highest level of authority within a social structure.   Skill Proficiency: Persuasion.
Additional Equipment: A signet ring engraved with your family crest, fine clothes.  

Position of Privilege

Upon spending an hour speaking in your defence, and succeeding on a DC15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can exert your noble privilege to avoid the consequences of lawbreaking such as trespassing, theft, possession of contraband, unarmed assault, and other misdemeanours. You can also use this ability to reduce the consequences of more serious crimes that can't be ignored entirely.  

Rank 1 - Dishevelled Noble

After some decline, your family name is barely spoken anymore. Perhaps the family lost everything in a war, or gambling debs claimed your once-proud noble estate. Despite your noble blood, you are a poor noble with little power or influence in the world. The only thing left is your title, which has gotten you out of trouble on more than one occasion. However, with hard work and some political dealings, you may climb back into prominence.   Holdings:
  • A ruined estate.
  • A noble title that carries little influence anymore.
Progression: To be granted a barony, or holdings worthy of the title, by a Count or higher-ranking noble. Additionally, you must restore your family household to a reputable state.  

Rank 2 - Lord Baron

You have been titled Lord Baron of an estate. Your barony is small, but you have high hopes for it. You have started to attend noble soirees, and can see your reputation within the aristocracy rise. You are the local authority within your barony, however you delegate much of it to administrators. With patience and good relations, a county could be yours.   Holdings:
  • A barony estate, including resources and hirelings.
  • A baron's title, granting you authority and affirming your social status among other individuals of your region.
Progression: To progress in this profession, you must be made a Count by a Duke or Monarch. Additionally, you must construct a noble estate befitting a Count.  

Rank 3 - Count

Your reputation has risen to prominence. You walk the halls of powerful estates and hear passers-by whisper your name. You control an entire county, with multiple baronies under your influence. You are expected to represent them at court upon summons, and must navigate the political landscape of the aristocracy. While you wield considerable power, you find two-faced advisories and political masterminds wherever you turn.   Holdings:
  • A county estate, which includes resources and hirelings.
  • A count's title, granting you authority and affirming your social status among other individuals of your region.
Progression: To progress in this profession, you must be made a Duke by a Monarch. Additionally, you must construct a noble estate befitting a Duke.  

Rank 4 - Duke

You have been appointed as a direct vassal of your Monarch, whether a king, queen, or emperor. You are invited to the greatest balls and soirees across the land, and feasts are held in your honour. With your family name restored to glory, you hold considerable influence throughout your region and the entire world. However, with such heights comes a great distance to fall. Political enemies will go to great lengths to tarnish your name and steal your titles.   Holdings:
  • A Duke's estate, which includes resources and hirelings.
  • A Duke's title, granting you authority and social status among other individuals of your region.


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