BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Clan Member

The major kingdoms of Etharis are far from the only bastions of culture to stand against the current darkness. From the frozen north to the Gulf of Lions, numerous tribes have chosen to keep their traditional lifestyle, living in harmony with the spirits of the wild. Where hunting and gathering aren't sufficient to support their population, many have turned to raiding the more "civilised" regions. This has garnered the tribes a reputation as barbarians and savages, but this ignores a rich history and a deep abiding respect for nature.   Clan members are generally more at home travelling through the wilds than their urban counterparts. Their close ties with nature and the spirits of the wild also gives them a unique perspective on many problems, and they are less quick to condemn things they are unfamiliar with. Those that leave the tribe often make good guides, trackers, and mercenaries.   Skill Proficiency: Choose one from Athletics, History, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Survival.
Languages: Choose one standard language.
Tool Proficiency: Choose one tool proficiency.
Equipment: Basic clothing, a basket, a hatchet, and 10gp.  


You have been trained as a warrior with the specific aim of raiding other clans or settlements. Raiding parties must be able to move quickly, strike hard, and carry off enough goods to help support the tribe. The coordination to do all this requires intense training and forges a strong sense of comradery between raiders. Part of this comradery involves a strong sense of competition, each raider vying to perform daring acts or carry back the best loot. The aftermath of a raid often involves raucous singing, drinking, and revelry, an adrenaline high buoyed by the plentiful food and drink obtained from the raided settlement.   Skill Proficiency: Intimidation
Additional Equipment: A tankard, a sack, a whetstone, and several torches.  

Display of Strength

Upon spending an hour in a tavern, inn, or restaurant and succeeding on a DC15 Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can win the respect and friendship of a local ally through drinking, carousing, boasting, and various contests of strength and skill. This ally begins as friendly to you and can provide you with information about military organisations, the local guard, and any recent battles or combat that has occurred in the area.  

Rank 1 - Shield Bearer

You are a junior warrior, serving as support for more senior members of the raiding party. Your tasks involve maintaining weapons and armour, tending to wounded warriors, and carrying loot from the raiding site. Should members of the raiding party be unable to fight, you may be called upon to take their place.
  • Lodging with other warriors.
  • An ailing mentor and knowledge of a particularly rich target for raiding.
Progression: Take the place of a missing raider and prove yourself in combat.  

Rank 2 - Pillager

As a full member of the raiding party, you are trained to strike hard and fast, then escape with whatever loot you can find. Common tactics involve sowing confusion by setting fires or releasing livestock, or drawing the attention of the defenders to allow for easier plunder elsewhere. Your tribe depends on you as a main source of food and supplies, and your comrades depend on you to watch their backs in the chaos of a raid.
  • A younger warrior assigned to maintain your equipment and carry your loot.
  • Your pick of the goods seized on raids, in order of seniority.
Progression: Perform deeds of noble bravery and be promoted by a Warlord of Chieftain.  

Rank 3 - Raid Leader

Through a number of raids you have proven yourself cunning, ruthless, and skilled at combat. As a raid leader you are tasked with not only gathering as much as you can from targets, but ensuring that your warriors return alive. Your underlings look to you for the tactics to use during the raid, and you must reign in the more reckless raiders, lest they go too far.
  • A fine dwelling within the village, showcasing trophies from prior raids.
  • Command over a raiding party and a voice at any war council.
  • First pick of any goods seized during a raid.
Progression: Save a Chieftain's life or defeat a sworn enemy of the tribe in single combat.  

Rank 4 - Warlord

Your deeds are legendary. When you speak, chieftains listen, and you direct policy as much as raiding. More to the point, you are the one who decides where and when to raid and how the military might of the clan will be brought to bear.
  • Authority over at least three raiding parties within your tribe.
  • Access to war councils and peace negotiations.
  • The ability to requisition goods and recruit new raiders.


You are responsible for the spiritual well being of the tribe and its members. Depending on the nature of your tribe's belief system you may serve to commune with the spirits of the wild, with departed ancestors, or merely act as a faith healer and dealer in superstition. All shamans possess certain common characteristics, including insight into something greater than themselves, knowledge of the various rituals and ceremonies of their people, and deep ties to the natural world.   Skill Proficiency: Religion
Additional Equipment: A totem representing a spirit important to your clan, a clay jug, and a tinderbox.  

Spiritual Guidance

Upon spending one hour petitioning the spirits and succeeding on a DC15 Intelligence (Religion) check, you may commune with the patron spirits of your tribe. These spirits may be departed ancestors or spirits of the wild itself. Should the spirits deign to respond, you may ask them for guidance on a single decision or course of action. The spirits do not offer any concrete information about the future, but do indicate their approval or disapproval of the relevant action.  

Rank 1 - Dabbler

You have begun your training under the shaman of your tribe. Your initial tasks involve gathering ingredients and learning the various rituals passed down by your master. Much of this lore is accompanied by myths and fables to aid in their retention.   Holdings:
  • Lodging with your master on the outskirts of your clan.
  • A complicated formula for a spirit amulet, requiring a number of rare ingredients.
Progression: Promotion by your master.  

Rank 2 - Hedge Witch

Clan members now come to you for advice on minor matters. Your master remains in charge of the major rituals and ceremonies, but you are granted the authority to dole out minor blessings on an individual basis. Part of your duties also includes the telling of cautionary tales to the younger members of the tribe.   Holdings:
  • A small hut set on the outskirts of your clan, near your master's dwelling.
  • A following within the tribe's youth who are willing to aid you in minor matters.
Progression: Be selected as shaman for a new camp or inherit your master's position after their death or retirement.  

Rank 3 - Witch Doctor

You have taken over the majority of the rituals and ceremonies of the tribe. People come to you for advice with their problems, both physical and spiritual, and you are treated with deference for your position.   Holdings:
  • Respect and deference from the majority of your tribe, which occasionally manifests itself as gifts and offerings.
  • A large hut, well stocked with the various tools of your trade.
  • The secret herbs and chants required to complete a vision quest.
Progression: Successfully guide an important decision by consulting the spirits for a chieftain.  

Rank 4 - Sage

You are considered the voice of the spirits and repository of your tribe's oral history. Even those from outside your tribe have heard of you and seek you out from far and wide. You are invited to preside over all cultural ceremonies and direct the tribe in matters of spirituality. This includes advising the chieftain on nearly all important decisions.   Holdings:
  • High ranking tribe members and chieftains put great value on your advice and consult with you before important decisions.
  • Apprentices and pupils that carry out the majority of the mundane tasks associated with your position.
  • The ability to designate holy or forbidden sites and limit tribal access to those areas.


Life in a small tribe is, by definition, more close-knit than living within a city. Tribespeople work together daily and depend on one another to survive, treating each other as one step away from family. Making up the majority of the tribe, they work at all the necessary jobs to maintain their way of life, from gathering food, crafting weapons and tools, or governing disputes among tribe members.   Skill Proficiency: Survival
Additional Equipment: One tool kit of your choice and a water skin.  

Tribal Familiarity

By spending an hour in an area of wilderness and succeeding on a DC15 Wisdom (Survival) check, you can identify signs of other humanoid activity in the area. You can determine the direction of any nearby settlements and if you are familiar with the area, you know what tribe or group they belong to and their general disposition towards outsiders.  

Rank 1 - Tribal Member

You are a member of one of the tribes of Etharis. Given the dangers of the wilderness, your tasks keep you within the camp or village that your tribe calls home. Simple craft work and maintaining the tribe dwellings are the main tasks allotted to you, but should you prove yourself able and willing, the elders may see fit to grant you greater responsibilities.   Holdings:
  • Food and lodging within the tribe, either in a modest home, or communal dwelling.
  • Tales from a traveller that outline a spot in the wilds with good hunting or other resources.
Progression: Gain permission from an elder to venture out into the wilds on your own.  

Rank 2 - Hunter-Gatherer

The elders of your tribe have granted you permission to venture outside the boundaries of your settlement. As a hunter-gatherer, you are responsible for not only procuring food, but also dealing with minor threats to the tribe and exploring for new resources and possible locations for expansion.   Holdings:
  • The tools to perform your duties, including basic hunting and fishing gear, materials, and aid from local craftsmen.
  • The ability to recruit other tribe members to aid you in retrieving goods from the wild or helping to set up small camps outside your home territory.
Progression: Display excellent leadership and aid the tribe during a crisis.  

Rank 3 - Elder

Elders oversee much of the day-to-day issues within a tribe and advices the chieftain on matters of importance. Your actions on behalf of the tribe and your good judgement have earned you a place among them. The words of an elder carry great weight within the tribe, and an elder has the power to decide minor matters unilaterally. When issues require greater consideration, a number of elders may consult on the matter before rendering a decision.   Holdings:
  • Authority over the vast majority of tribe members.
  • A fine dwelling and free access to tribal goods and services.
Progression: Serve the tribe wisely in times of trouble.  

Rank 4 - Chieftain

By election, trial, or some other method, you have been selected as the leader of your tribe. At home in your tribe, others may advise you, but your word is law. Where multiple tribes band together, you speak for your people.   Holdings:
  • Counsel from the elders, warlords, and spiritual leaders of your tribe.
  • Final authority on all tribe decisions and disputes, and complete authority over tribe members.
  • The grandest house in the camp or village, which doubles as a meeting place for important meetings and visiting dignitaries.


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