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The Clergy represents those who devote their lives to working within religious institutions. The Clergy are respected members within the social hierarchy in regions where their religion is prominent. Clergymen make effective orators, acolytes, and religious crusaders.   Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
Languages: Choose one standard and one of: Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal.
Equipment: A holy symbol, a prayer book or divine text, vestments, and 15gp.


You are a servant of an organised branch of religious enforcers who hunt down heretics and blasphemers within your own faith, and cultists of sinister powers. Divine justice does not discriminate, and you have mercilessly punished crimes both mundane and supernatural, a task that comes with little glory. You are deadly efficient in bringing the sinful to heel. However, corruption is rife within the Inquisition itself due to the Order's power and authority, and those found guilty are likewise treated without mercy.   Skill Proficiency: Intimidation.
Additional Equipment: A set of manacles, a copy of the text Sins of the Heretic, a leather strap.  

Eradicate Heresy

Upon spending an hour, and succeeding on a DC15 Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can find an informant and extract information. The informant will divulge information regarding the location of local cults, witch covens, and other enemies of the Divine.  

Rank 1 - Initiate

You were taken in by the church, and after showing attributes befitting of an Inquisitor you, were trained in their ways. Gruelling mental and physical training took up your time from dawn to dusk whenever you were not completing chores.   holdings:
  • Free lodging at the inquisitorial chapter house, temple, or any other religious institutions taht you currently serve.
  • You have knowledge of someone from your childhood who has since become affiliated with a witch coven, religious cult, or other enemy of your faith.
Progression: Be promoted to the rank of Inquisitor by a Chapter Master.  

Rank 2 - Inquisitor

You have been appointed to the role of Inquisitor, charged with enforcing divine justice by hunting down cultists, spellcasters who have violated magical laws, and other threats. Many institutions recognise your Inquisitorial authority, and temples of the faith that you serve will grant you sanctuary, food, and useful information.   Holdings:
  • Access to information and equipment provided by the Order, in addition to information obtained by temples of the faith.
Progression: Be promoted to Chapter Master by a Grand Theologist Inquisitor.  

Rank 3 - Chapter Master

You have risen through the ranks and now oversee an Inquisitorial Chapter. Initiates and Inquisitors alike answer to you, and seek your advice in matters of executing divine justice, as well as rooting out corruption within the ranks of the faith you serve. You are still active in the field, often leading factions of Inquisitors in bringing cultist organisations and powerful spellcasters to heel.   Holdings:
  • Access to the restricted section of the chapter library, which contains all known weaknesses of supernatural entities.
  • Free lodging at any religious institution or temple of the faith you serve.
  • Your religious institution invests you with the authority to declare people of high standing as enemies of the faith, if you have irrefutable evidence of their crimes.
Progression: Being appointed to Grand Theologist Inquisitor by the head of your Order and a panel of ranking clergy.  

Rank 4 - Grand Theologist Inquisitor

You have cultivated a reputation as a devout and accomplished Inquisitor, following the teachings of the divine, executing divine justice, and seeking divine enlightenment. You hold significant influence within and outside your Order, and Chapter Masters seek your counsel on matters of the faith and the Order's mission.   Holdings:
  • Access to a council of Chapter Masters and other ranked clergy with whom you discuss matters of your Order.
  • You have the authority to dismiss and appoint chapter members to positions of power, both within the Inquisition and temples of the faith.
  • You have the ability to denounce those who you know (or suspect) to be enemies of the faith, dispatching Inquisitor factions to investigate and restore order.


Religions need devout orators to bring new members into the fold, or reinforce the faith of the faltering. Preachers can inspire the righteous, protect the weak, or incite dread in the unfaithful by speaking clearly and passionately about the faith they serve. These rhetoricians of the divine are not dissuaded by material wealth or hidden lore; instead, they seek good repute and new converts to their deity. Preachers recruit adherents to their religion through personal devotion and over exhibitions of piety, charity, and charisma.   Skill Proficiency: Persuasion.
Additional Equipment: Flyers displaying propaganda, a box to stand on.  

Propagate Agenda

Upon spending an hour speaking publicly, and succeeding on a DC15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can influence the thoughts and opinions of locals. This could be used to heighten the common people's fear of magic, or bring comfort and peace to those who share the same faith.  

Rank 1 - Crier

You have always had a natural aptitude for the spoken word, compelling others to listen and partake in your views by speaking loudly and clearly about the deity you serve. You are often seen on busy street corners and in town squares, preaching to passers-by.   Holdings:
  • Free lodging at your local temple of the faith or religious institution.
  • Knowledge of a member of the ranked clergy using unlicensed magic to perform a miracle, or committing some other transgression.
Progression: You have a small congregation of followers who come to hear your sermons each day.  

Rank 2 - Truth Speaker

You have cultivated a reputation in your local town or city as a persuasive and charismatic orator, able to inspire the righteous or decry the evil. Common folk and nobility alike often stop to hear you speak, moved by your unique conviction to consider joining your religion.   Holdings:
  • You advise a group of criers in your province on religious matters and outline the agenda for each homily.
Progression: You progress after having converted a significant number of people to your religion.  

Rank 3 - Enlightened Evangelist

You have gained considerable reputation in the province where you preach, regularly recruiting new converts to your faith. Your overt exhibitions of devotion and charity combined with a natural charisma make you a well-liked figure among the common people, though the more cynical uninitiated may regard you as a heretic or a charlatan.   Holdings:
  • A temple of the faith grants you a letter of religious immunity from Inquisitors, verifying that you are not a heretic.
  • You have a following of disciples who accompany you on your travels to new unenlightened provinces, further glorifying your deity and you as their disciple.
Progression: A member of your congregation observes you performing a miracle, drawing new converts to the faith.  

Rank 4 - Exalted Saviour

You have established your reputation as a captivating rhetorician, and people are naturally drawn to you, sometimes seemingly against their will. You may even begin to perceive yourself as a messianic figure, showing the will of your deity through conspicuous demonstrations of personal devotion and charity toward the poor. For those with spellcasting abilities, magic that is woven into such demonstrations is particularly compelling.   Holdings:
  • A dozen or more faithful disciples that observe and convey your teachings, and thousands of followers loyal to you.
  • A divine mandate bestowed by your deity or seraph that elevates you above the laws of humanity.


Priests lead the common people in the teachings of their deities. They are the figureheads and leaders in the temples and shrines where they preach, providing guidance, atonement, and hope for the downtrodden. Priests often hold positions of considerable influence within their communities, and are treated with reverence among common folk and nobility alike.   Skill Proficiency: Religion.
Additional Equipment: 5 sticks of incense and an alms box, religious medallion stamped with the divine word.  

Religious Hierarchy

Upon spending an hour providing your knowledge of the divine, and succeeding on a DC15 Intelligence (Religion) check, you can find a contact within the local clergy. This contact begins as friendly to you and will answer questions you have regarding religion, the clergy's agenda, and local religious matters.  

Rank 1 - Acolyte

You were taken in by a modest parish, where you assist in religious services and ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles and distributing prayer books to the congregation. The priest also educates you in religious scripture and doctrine.   Holdings:
  • You have knowledge of a senior clergy member whose teachings undermine the faith, preying on the wayward for personal gain.
  • Free lodging at your local temple of faith.
Progression: You are recommended for priesthood by a senior clergy member who has overseen your study of divine texts. You will be given a religious task that you must complete.  

Rank 2 - Priest

You oversee a local parish with a substantial following, where you perform rites, sermonise on the teachings of your deity, and provide spiritual guidance to followers whose faith has waned. You use your modest influence to inspire the virtuous, uplift the downtrodden, or incite fear.   Holdings:
  • You have a modest parish that you oversee, including humble lodgings, and regularly receive locals for confession.
  • You have knowledge of a wealthy noble who possesses a first edition book of scripture that the church greatly desires.
Progression: You must either expose the senior clergy member exploiting the faith for personal gain, or acquire the first edition book of scripture.  

Rank 3 - Bishop

In recognition of your service to he faith, you have risen to the title of Bishop, taking up residence in your own diocese in a major city. You oversee a number of senior clergy who seek your counsel and spiritual guidance in all aspects of the divine. Bishops are elected from senior priests in their Order and retain the title for as long as they remain true to the doctrine.   Holdings:
  • You are the steward of the largest temple of your faith in your region, and receive well-appointed lodgings nearby.
  • You oversee your own diocese in a major city, speaking on behalf of the faith and supervising the clergy there.
Progression: You become Cardinal in the event that a Cardinal passes away or retires, and the head of your faith appoints you in their stead due to your outstanding commitment to the faith.  

Rank 4 - Cardinal

As a Cardinal, you answer directly to the head of your faith. You oversee the diocese within your province, to root out corruption and heresy from on high. Cardinals are appointed by the head of their faith, and as such have their ear in all matters of spiritual and political adjudication.   Holdings:
  • A number of dioceses that you oversee within your province.
  • Free lodging at any parish or diocese that recognises your appointment, and any institution under the control of the faith.


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