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Former Pantheons of Etharis

These pantheons used to be worshipped and alive, but for whatever reason are now dead or gone.

The Former Etharis Pantheon

The most well known and most recent pantheon to die was as a result of the Godfall, these Gods faced the threat of Aether Kindred attacking Etharis and were found wanting. Meanwhile the Cardinal Gods turned on each other, and Aurelia saved Etharis by sacrificing herself to seal it off from the Aether Kindred's advance.   Former Etharis Pantheon

The Former Tribune of War

Garrosh is the only surviving member of the Tribune of War, the others could not be dissauded from going to face the threat of the Aether Kindred. Many thought they would be bringing back the most impressive trophies. Instead they left their leader alone to rebuild amongst the rubble.   Zhuzzol The Brutal - God of Brutality, Slaughter and Anger   Sharzakk The Mad - God of Medicine, Healing, Magic and Poison   Ghaullaine The Feisty - Goddess of Fertility, Wrestling and Brawling   Rovok The Rotten - God of Death and Decay

The Council of Merryment

The Halfling Pantheon is evidence that a lack of worship can kill Gods. They were once a thriving pantheon with happy and plentiful worshippers. However, when the Halflings surrendered to the rampaging Human Barbarians in the Era of Expansion, the Halfling Pantheon slowly wained and died when their followers turned to the Cardinal Gods and their extended pantheon upon its founding.   Falzin Humbleshine - God of Halflings   Sylwyn Mistcloak - Goddess of Life, Healing and Death   Wilos Whisperwillow - God of Magic, Stories and Weather   Nedora Warmsong - Goddess of Music, Singing, Hospitality and Friendship   Sylfira Swiftstrike - Goddess of Defense, Guardians and Vigilance   Eldal Keenfingers - God of Thievery, Stealth and Curiosity

The Assembly of Thinkers

The Gnomish Pantheon is another example of a lack of worship killing Gods. Whilst the process began earlier than the halfling pantheon, beginning when the Gnomes sook shelter with the Dwarves during the Era of Expansion. They didn't immediately switch to the Dwarvish pantheon. In fact some Gnomes were adamant to retain their religious independence. But with each generation, prayers to the Gnomish Gods lessened and lessened until there was not enough to sustain them, and they began to die off one by one.   Xokur Gemdust - God of Gnomes, Luck and Death   Manmorn Squaggledust - God of Stone, Mining and Svirfneblin   Vophina Weblewible - Goddess of Invention, Curiosity, Knowledge and Construction   Trifyx Wildmask - Goddess of Nature, Forests and Journeys   Brihim Dazzlecraft - God of Magic, Illusion and Deception   Corrick Broadguard - God of Defense, Vigilance and Combat

Ukko The Eternal One

No one knows what happened to the Ukko, but his people have moved on to worship other deities. Perhaps one day he will return from whatever distracted him from Etharis.   Ukko The Eternal One
Religious, Pantheon


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