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Minor Etharis Pantheons

These Pantheons lie outside the main Etharis pantheon that is followed by the Bürach Empire, many are separated based on racial and cultural tradition. Some followers of these pantheons are staunt believers, others pray to the main pantheon as much as they do their minor pantheon.  

The Wild Mother

Before the Charneult Kingdom was founded with the coalition of humans and elves, the Elves were a very spiritual people, connected deeply to nature and the spirits that wandered it. One such spirit, believed to be the creator of life itself, was The Wild Mother. While none have ever seen her true form, her power and presence is unquestionable. Many an elf has this entity to thank for their ability to continue breathing.  

The Church of the Seraphs

Castinellan Provinces approved worship, includes:
  • Empyreus - The Leader of the Church, initially it was just him who helped unify the Castinellan Provinces under one banner to save them from destruction. Over time he has brought more Seraphs into his pantheon as the growing popularity of the religion meant he couldn't handle everything alone.
  • Evander - God of War, brought in by Empyreus to help him structure the armies more efficiently.
  • Zabriel - Goddess of Knowledge
  • Solyma - Goddess of Justice
  • Aphaeleon - God of Endurance
  • Giselle - Goddess of Fate
  • Morael - God of Conviction
  • Pragma - God of Love

The High Throne

Dwarvish Pantheon lead by Moradin, they survived the Godfall by refusing to fight the Aether Kindred and fortifying their plane to stay safe even in the event that Etharis fell.   Moradin The All-Father - God of Creation and Crafts   Murrigg - God of Mining and The Underground   Myrleil - Goddess of Fertility, Love and Healing
Tormond - God of Battle, Valor and Honour   Nalnyss - Goddess of Scholarship, Discovery and Invention   Karwaen - Goddess of Vigilance, Defence and Protection   Hjaldrum - God of Carousing, Brewery and Singing   Katnera - Goddess of Wealth, Trade and Luck

The Prismatic Circle

A pantheon worshipped by the clans of Thrull, they worship the elements themselves and through this, as well as not changing their worshipping methods from the old times, they have revived the former gods of the elements, albeit much weaker than before (weaker even than the new gods of the elements).   Galmoreth - The Primordial Earth   Oceanica - The Primordial Ocean   Aeoleus - The Primordial Wind   Summail - The Primordial Flame

The Order of the Golden Bough

A pantheon of beings worshipped in East Nordenland. These fey creatures delight in the fact they have half a nation worshipping them despite being nowhere near godly in power. The only desire they have to expand comes from being able to prank more silly mortals.   Dayethir The Supreme - Eminence of the Order   Jahtyr The Philanthropist - Luminary of the Order   Arveene The Glamorous - Enchantress of the Order

The Tribune of War

Former Orcish Pantheon lead by Garrosh The Unyielding, currently he is the only remaining God after the Godfall, and the only remaining full blooded Orc in Etharis.   Garrosh The Unyielding - God of Orcish-Kind  

The King of the Deep

Deity/Ruler worshipped by Tritons. Every new king or queen is chosen by the previous and elevated to Godly status thanks to their subjects and communes with former rulers of the Triton people.   King Rolos II of the Deep - God-King of the Tritons

The Great Serpent

Deity worshipped by Yuan-Ti The Great Serpent

The Mighty One

The Mighty One is another name for Vrudrargga who is the sole Goddess of Goblins, she is not very powerful, and often gets shoved around by Garrosh and the Arch Daemon Gods.   Vrudrargga
Religious, Pantheon


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