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Natural Spellcasters

Gormadraug, The Prismatic Wyrm

In the beginning, when the gods created the world, they had no idea the power they would imbue into it: it was, after all, their first attempt at creation. Thus they imparted too much of their power into the substances they made and accidentally breathed life into them. This act is how the Primordials came to be.
Chief of the Primordials is a being known as Gormadraug, a tiny being that carried a spark of the gods' divinity. Gormadraug amused the gods so they kept it as a pet. Over time, their treatment became abusive, using Gormadraug for hunting sport, slaying and resurrecting him over and over. Finally, when they tired of him, they abandoned him on the newly formed Etharis. For millennia, Gormadraug devoured everything he could see: rocks, ice, lava, and air. With every century, he grew larger, until finally, he emerged as a colossal Wyrm with power over all the elements. He was so powerful that he could spawn his own children, themselves powerful Primordials.
However, he never forgot his treatment at the hands of the gods. He nursed his hatred for a millennia. The final straw was when the gods declared that the new race of mortals would inherit all of Etharis. Gormadraug sought his revenge by sending his Primordials to war against the gods. Despite his numerous spawn, they were not powerful or plentiful enough to achieve his goal. The gods handily defeated the Primordials. Gormadraug survived, however, and went into hiding.
This setback did have one upside for the Great Wyrm: it emboldened the gods to believe they could fight the Aether Kindred as well. The debacle that followed left Etharis with only four remaining gods.
Gormadraug wasted no time: he created four new spawn that he would use to fight a new war on the gods and their mortal children. These Primordials were Alondo of the Deep, Morrakesh the Burning Lady, Citrolach the Living Mountain, and Ilhara the Queen of Air and Shadow. This time Gormadraug aimed to win. He became as cruel to his children as the gods were to him. To strengthen them, he forced them to compete with each other endlessly, killing each other in an arena of death and resurrection. The four Primordials endured centuries of this treatment, each one aching to be free of their sire. They found their opportunity from an unexpected source: a man named Kentigern and his six companions, seeking to tame the northern wilderness for habitation.
Alondo convinced his siblings to betray their sire and take the adventurers under their wing. Morrakesh and Citrolach formed powerful magic weapons that could pierce Gormadraug's flesh. Ilhara composed for them a magic song that would put the Wyrm to sleep. Alondo taught them enchantments that would keep them alive, and he also told them where to strike Gormadraug's heart. Thus, Kentigern and his companions were able to slay Gormadraug. His body was destroyed, save for his indestructible heart, which was thrown into the northern sea and formed an island. Subsequently, the four Primordials divided Etharis among themselves and formed their own realms.
Yet all four Primordials know that their sire had not truly perished, but merely slumbered in a state of hibernation. Even now, mortals obtain command over the elements from the Prismatic Wyrm. The day may come when Gormadraug would awaken and wreak his vengeance across Etharis. They continually seek ways to prevent this from happening. Yet with the appearance of coldfire, it seems the Prismatic Wyrm's resurrection is coming even closer.

The Primordials

Lady Morrakesh

The Burning Lady, Red Queen, and Emberheart are among her many names. The Primordial of fire holds court in her dimension of Flamebourne. She commands azers, efreeti, and fire giants in her army. Morrakesh suffered the worst under Gormadraug, as the Wyrm saw her as his most destructive weapon. As such she is highly capricious and easy to anger; she may reward you with great riches as easily as she can turn you into a cinder. Great care must be taken in petitioning her. Those who would summon Morrakesh for favours must burn a sentient being alive as a sacrifice.


Lord of the Deep and ruler of the Endless Sea. Alondo controls the denizens of lakes and seas. He is worshipped by merfolk, water elementals, and the mighty leviathans. Aside from Kentigern, Alondo has no love for mortals and wishes to be left alone. That said, he is the most conscientious of his ilk, working diligently to prevent the return of Gormadraug. Still, rumours persist that he has something to do with the coldfire plaguing Etharis. Those who would invoke Alondo must first slay one of his hated enemies and hurl its heart into the sea.


The Living Mountain masters over all those who pledge themselves to earth and stone: earth elementals, deep dwarves, and gnomes, as well as all who dwell in his underground realm of Stonereach. HIs power extends to plants and the denizens of the forests. To summon Citrolach, one must surrender a fortune of gems and gold, all of which is returned by the Primordial to the ground from where it was taken. Take care, however. Notoriously stubborn, Citrolach holds a particular stand for centuries. The saying goes that it is easier to move a mountain than convince Citrolach to change his mind.


The Queen of Air and Shadow is the most ambitious Primordial of All. She sends her army of djinn, sylphs, and air elementals abroad to find secrets from among mortals and spirits alike. Her ultimate aim is to be powerful enough to fill the void left by the dead gods. Ilhara requires that a dark secret be whispered into the air before she can be summoned.


The Great Prismatic Wyrm is also a powerful source of nature magic, though he doesn't know this in his current state. There is no known way to invoke him. Moreover, worship of the Wyrm is illegal throughout the Valikan Clans. The Primordials also warn that drawing power from Gormadraug may even awaken him, and readily smites any druids or rangers who try.

Creation Notes

There are three important centres in Etharis for learning nature magic: the druid circles of the Valikan Clans, the Order of the Golden Bough in Eastern Nordenland, and the elves of Tol Leyemil. These are not the only places for learning, but druids and rangers that emerge from here are considered to be among the elite.
As a druid or ranger, you must keep in mind that your power is derived from the Primordials, including Gormadraug. These beings have taken over hte realm of gods in terms of nature magic. They each serve their own interests and are not bound by mortal notions of good and evil. They are, however, hostile to all that threatens that power. This includes the possible awakening of Gormadraug, the corruption of nature caused by the Dark Mist, and the arrival of the Great Beast. The Primordials require druids and rangers alike to fight these forces wherever they encounter them.


Hit Points

Hit Dice: d8 per Druid level
Hit Points at First Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per Druid level after 1st, re-rolling allowed on a 1 or 2


Armour: Light armour, medium armour, shields (druids will not wear armour or use shields made of metal)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Survival

Overview and Creation

Druids come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing they all have in common is their strong bond with nature. Druids can be found all around the continent of Etharis, though the most stereotypical are the wise forest dwelling folk, living as hermits who live off the land whilst helping it to thrive. Druids of Etharis are often solitary beings, though there are plenty of festivals and opportunities for old customs to be upheld. Many Druids know the other druids surrounding them, and in fact rely on them when dangers arise that require more heads than one. In the Charneault Kingdom and the Valikan clans, druids are revered.
Character Creation Note: When creating a druid you must consider how you became to be one, did you learn in an organisation, or through a lone mentor or family member. Where is your grove and why have you decided to leave it? Work with me to find your place in the world.


Hit Points

Hit Dice: d10 per Ranger level
Hit Points at First Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 + your Constitution modifier per Ranger level after 1st, re-rolling allowed on a 1 or 2


Armour: Light armour, medium armour, shields
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose three form Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival

Overview and Creation

The Wilds of Etharis are unforgiving, untamed and unfortunately, unavoidable. There are plenty of times where even a commoner may be required to venture out into the wilderness, and when they are forced to do so they often employ the aid of a Ranger. Rangers of Etharis are often the most hardy of folk, both mentally and physically as the lifestyle takes a toll on both. While many of the classically trained Rangers have a duty to keep the balance between nature and civilisation, there are far more rugged rangers raised in the forests that serve merely as guides and hunters to eek a living out. Regardless, Rangers are depended on to keep people safe, fighting the monstrous beasts that roam beyond the walls of society. A rangers power can come from anywhere, their own spirit, their attuenment to nature and the elements around them, or the thankfulness of the people they protect.
Character Creation Note: Think about the kind of ranger you are when you are making one. Were you classically trained and perhaps naive to the true role of your kind? Or were you raised in the dangerous wilderness, always lined up to be a ranger but never knowing the true calling of your kind. What fuels you to continue this dangerous life? All of these are important questions to ask yourself during character creation.


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