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New Etharis Pantheon

The new pantheon of the Etharis continent who rose to power through various methods after the Godfall.

Gods of Fate

The Gods of Fate are a collection of Arch Seraphs, Arch Daemons and even an Aether Kindred who, knowing its importance, have come together to control Galt's former dominion of Fate. Heroes fated to rise are going to be essential to stabilising Etharis, and perhaps even lining the halls of its pantheon. Everyone has a part to play in the future of the continent, no matter how small.   Giselle - Goddess of Time and Destiny   Asher - God of Luck   Arley - God of Divination   Mireille - Goddess of Stars   Void - God of Ambiguity   Isocrates - God of Consequence

Gods of Love

The Gods of Love, with the exception of Matrimony, are all gender neutral children of the former God of Love Maligant. As the myth goes, they sprung forth from his heart one night whilst sleeping, so that he awoke surrounded by his new children and their love. Naming them after the various forms of love emitting from them, he had always intended to hand over the domain to them one day. Now they have been forced to take up the mantle early, and do their best to keep love alive for the mortals below.   Eros - God of Passionate Love   Philia - God of Friendship   Storge - God of Familial Love   Agape - God of Altruism   Ludus - God of Playful Love   Pragma - God of Practical Love   Philautia - God of Self-Love   Matrimony - God of Union  

Gods of Crafts and Construction

With the fall of Galt, The Arch Seraphs needed someone to take over his post as God of Crafts and Construction. However, lacking any knowledge themselves on such things, always having Galt to do it for them after all, they had to turn to mythical figures long laid to rest. Handpicking the best artisans and craftspeople from history to take up the posts. Save for Krummiir, who earned his place as a mortal by completing the first known God Trial, replacing Einwaen who was appointed before him.   Krummiir - God of The Forge   Khendeg - God of Woodworking   Zlogan - God of Masonry   Nephinae - Goddess of Textiles   Inaxi - Goddess of Invention   Barton - God of Brewing   Blossoms In Summer - Goddess of Fine Crafts    

Gods of War

In the absence of Maligant, Tormach felt confident he could fill the void of the God of War. However, other Gods noticed he was bloodthirsty, he loved war for nothing else than the death it caused. Causes were no matter to him, and the end of wars were detrimental to his enjoyment. Due to this, a group of Gods formed a coalition to keep the new God of Wrath in line, ensuring Wars would not become a permanent fixture on the continent of Etharis. Zlatika stepped in to the coalition to fill her father's shoes as the new Goddess of Death to ensure soldiers, amongst others, are given the burial and ceremonies they deserve, rather than left lifeless on the fields in which they fall.   Tormach - God of Wrath   Empyreus - God of Valor   Evander - God of Strategy   Caelis - Goddess of Victory   Caelus - God of Defeat   Zlatika - Goddess of Death  

Gods of The Arts

Similar to the Gods of Crafts and Construction, the Gods of The Arts are all former mortals fetched from their afterlife. Though this time not by the Arch Seraphs but by the prayers of mortals down below. With no Bartholomew to turn to, they would turn to the greatest mortals to ever grace areas of The Arts. Actors would whisper quick prayers to Emotion for a good performance, Musicians to Jasmyn, and so on. As they continued to revere these spirits, they gained power until they had enough to ascend to divinity.   Jasmyn - Goddess of Music   Wonder - God of Storytelling and Poetry   Emotion - Goddess of Theatre   Iphigenie - Goddess of Dance   Osvaldo - God of Art

Gods of The Elements

In the beginning, the Gods created Gormadraug as an accident, after mistreating him and abandoning him on Etharis he devoured everything in sight and grew with time until he emerged as a colossal Wyrm. He spawned his own children, themselves powerful Primordials. Fuelled by hatred he declared war on the Gods but was ultimately defeated, he survived and went into hiding however. When the Gods' war ended, his children ascended to godhood themselves, after all none could deny their primordial power when it came to the elements they controlled. Now, Gormadraug slumbers in hibernation, though they wait for the day their sire awakens once again to wreak havoc on Etharis.   Gormadraug - Chief of the Primordials   Morakesh - Goddess of Fire   Alondo - God of Water and The Seas   Citrolach - God of Earth, Caves and Mountains   Ilhara - Goddess of Air and Spies   Galvan - God of Storms    

Arch Daemons

To have good one must always have bad, and Arch Daemons are certainly the bad to the Arch Seraphs' good. They live in the depths of hell, and many served Maligant and Ulmyr before the Godfall, whilst not all are inherently evil, many are and they certainly tend towards more evil domains. Now they have more power than ever, and they use it to further their twisted schemes and mess with the lives of the mortals below. Malikir is a pseudo-leader as the most powerful Arch Daemon, though there are constant power struggles and skirmishes in the depths of hell.   Malikir - Goddess of Pride   Sitri - God of Hedonism   Gorodyn - God of Avarice   Venin - Goddess of Deceit   Beleth - God of Fear   Shemyaza - Goddess of Misfortune   Ziminiar - God of Murder   Nacht - God of Darkness   Igrat - Goddess of Suffering  

Arch Seraphs

The Arch Seraphs were some of the first to be turned to in order to fill the void left by the Gods' deaths. Many buckled under the pressure initially but have come to work out their place, and the power of delegation to try and return Etharis to some semblance of normalcy. Empyreus is the pseudo-leader of the Arch Seraphs, having been Galt's right hand man and the most powerful, additionally he was the first to really make himself known on the Material Plane, sparking widespread worship through the Castinellan Provinces, he has since recruited additional help to this new pantheon but remains its founder and leader.   Solyma - Goddess of Justice   Zabriel - Goddess of Truth   Morael - God of Sacrifice   Miklas - Goddess of Mercy   Aphaeleon - God of Temperance   Seraphiel - Goddess of Peace   Hathor - God of Moons  

Gods of Nature

The Fey Lords that reside in the Feywild are strange creatures, their whims and goals are wholly unrecognised by mortals, but the one thing everyone can agree on is their strong links to nature. It was this fact that helped them ascend to fill the gaps as Nature Deities, gaining a boost to their already impressive powers and influence that will help them achieve whatever it is they truly desire. In the meantime they enjoy meddling in the lives of mortals, finding them fun little playthings to influence and revelling in the feeling of being worshipped.   Nerisys - God of Agriculture   Sahanna - God of Seasons   Jormorn - God of Wilderness   Minurian - God of Animals   Kaicenna - God of Flowers and Herbs  

New Gods

Until this point, the pantheon had been made up of already powerful otherworldly beings or already deceased mortals, called upon from their afterlives to serve a higher purpose. With the ascension of Krummiir, it was discovered that God Trials exist, and yet another phenomenon was discovered, particularly through Augustine. With no one else to pray to, merchants began to ask Augustine to bless their ventures, after all he is the most recognisable and famous merchant to have ever touched Etharis. His trading company spans the entire continent and often has a control on trade wherever it has companies set up. This very act of praying for blessing, ascended Augustine to a divine status. Many scholars are now dedicating their lives to studying the mysteries behind these phenomena, and many mortals attempting to ascend in their own right.   Augustine - God of Trade   Lunderone - God of Lycanthropes   Martorius - God of Magic
Religious, Pantheon
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