BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Many creatures hunt the nights of Etharis. While many are twisted beasts of hatred born from darkness, some were not always so. The following ruleset provides characters the means to become grim monsters of the dark themselves. From dread-inducing werewolves to all-powerful liches, the following transformations are available to characters who meet the prerequisites.   While transformations make for great roleplay opportunities, at no point do they provide an acceptable excuse to hurt the enjoyment of other players at the table. If you want to create a conflict between two player characters, it's imperative that you discuss this with the table and your GM first.

Beginning a Transformation

Individuals rarely choose to transform into beings of the night. Instead, they have it thrust upon them. Foul curses, horrific experiments, and the diabolical machinations of fiends, vampires and other dark agents are all examples of how a character might start a transformation. However, there are times when a character may wish to begin a transformation of their own volition. Perhaps they have succumbed to the lure of power, or they see it as the only way to achieve a greater goal.   Regardless, the first step to any transformation should be a discussion with your GM. Make your intentions clear, as the transformation may not be suitable for the setting or story your GM is running.   The next step in a transformation is to ensure you meet all the prerequisites of the transformation. There are 2 types of prerequisites: mechanical and roleplay prerequisites. Mechanical prerequisites can be ability score, spellcasting, and other feature requirements. Roleplay prerequisites are the in-game actions required by a character to start a transformation. It is recommended that this milestone be reached within the game rather than through a backstory. However, you may wish to discuss alternative avenues to pursue a prerequisite with your GM.

Boons and Flaws

When you have achieved all the required prerequisites of a transformation and reached your first transformation level, you gain all the boons and the flaw of the first level. These constitute the beginning of the changes from the transformation. The boons and flaws of these iconic monsters come from folklore, pop culture and our own imagination. If they differ from an existing trope or stat block, it is because they represent a variation unique to Etharis.

Levelling Up

Characters that have successfully completed a transformation can continue the process by increasing their transformation level. The character must achieve a milestone before gaining a transformation level. Each type of transformation has an example list of possible milestones that are thematically unique. Talk with your GM to come up with applicable milestones for your campaign and how you can achieve them. When you increase your transformation level, you choose one boon from that level, or a lower level, provided you meet that boon’s prerequisites. You gain the new level’s flaw as well.

Universal Milestones

The following Milestones are examples that can apply to all (or most) transformations:
  • Undertaking an exceptionally evil (or good) act.
  • Completing an ancient ritual.
  • Obtaining a powerful artifact.
  • Being cursed by a dark agent.
  • Being exalted by a patron or god.

Suggested Class Level to Transformation Level

While transformations and milestone achievements and each level comes with a flaw, transformations still represent a significant increase in power. For this reason, it's recommended that players and GMs use the following table as a guide for when player's should be able to level up a transformation. After all, only the strongest survive such an ordeal. This table is a guide however, and cannot be applied to all Transformations equally. Transformations such as the Lich are much more powerful and should only be available at higher levels of play.


Transformation LevelRecommended Class Level Range
1 1-4
2 5-10
3 11-16
4 17-20

Removing a Transformation

Removing a transformation is an incredibly difficult process. The changes that have occurred in a character have fundamentally altered their biology, and perhaps their mind. However, anything is possible in a magical world. To cure a transformation, treat it as a curse from the curses section. The curse level of a transformation is equal to the character’s transformation level. Rather than casting remove curse with the cure components, the regenerate spell must be cast with the cure components instead. A character that has reached the 4th level of a transformation or that has been transformed for longer than one year, can only be cured by a wish spell. If a character is killed and resurrected, the GM decides if they are resurrected with transformation levels.

Transformation Types

Aberrant Horror

A cloaked figure flees through the dimly lit city streets. The guards appear to have the upper hand, until she turns to greet them- a hulking mess of spines, claws, and gnashing maws.   Lightning cracks. A mad doctor bellows in triumph as a once-deceased woman rises. With three fleshy tentacles sprouting form her back, his newest creation is complete. Thunder booms as the woman approaches the doctor menacingly, tendrils extended. Not all successful experiments end well.   Aberrant Horrors are the result of a humanoid becoming an aberration. Able to break free from the physical restrictions imposed upon them by the Material Plane, they shift the components of their form at a whim. This makes Aberrant Horrors terrifying to behold, especially in battle. Many adversaries have been caught off-guard when a seemingly defenceless opponent grew rows of gruesome spines before their eyes.

Becoming an Aberrant Horror

Each Aberrant Horror is defined by one key question: what happened to them? Some individuals make pacts with ancient entities for powers that have unforeseen effects. Others awaken after being defeated by an unnatural monster, surprised that they have been spared only to feel something writhing in their stomach. Many tropes of body horror can be used as inspiration for an Aberrant Horror. Once your origin has been determined, you can consider what your character’s motivations are regarding their transformation. As their power grows and manifests, they may feel they have lost what makes them fundamentally themselves. Perhaps they decide to take revenge on the entity responsible for their transformation, or perhaps they perceive their transformation as a gift.


Ability Scores: Constitution 13
Roleplay: You must have had an encounter with an Aberration, magical anomaly, or some other plausible reason to have become an Aberrant Horror. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in your backstory or in-game.

The Fiend

A smirking, well-dressed man of unknown origin appears in a time of great need. He extends his hand and a contract manifests in a golden flash. With a quill floating by its side, he remark, "of course I can fix your dilemma. After all, who do you think caused it in the first place?" For a solution to a world of problems, the man asks for only two things in return: a signature and an eternity of servitude.   Hellfire swirls up a Fiend's arms as she laughs manically. In a single motion, she launches waves of fiery death at the legions of lesser Daemons sent to rein her in. Those who perish twist and harden into charred, blackened figures with bright molten cores. The Fiend laughs again as she snaps her fingers and each figure explodes into another wave of fiery destruction.   Many tales are told in Etharis of the power of Fiends and the dangers of their contracts. Regardless, every year a champion rises, a prodigy is born, or some individual makes a deal with their soul in exchange for Lady Luck to be on their side.   To a Fiend, a soul is a delicious meal with an invigorating aftertaste. Most importantly, a soul contains the power to sustain their transformation.

Becoming a Fiend

A mortal can become a Fiend in a variety of ways. Some forfeit their souls and become one upon death. Others undertake excruciating rituals to transform into one. However, your character becomes a fiend constitutes their contract. Communicating with your GM about creating deals with mortals in their story is a great way to roleplay your influence within the game world. As a Fiend, you should consider what your character’s motivations are and which NPC’s they can use to achieve their goals.


Ability Scores: Charisma 13
Roleplay: You must have made a pact with a Fiend, undergone an infernal ritual, or have some other plausible reason to have become a Fiend. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in-game.

The Lich
The screams of souls torn from their bodies echo over the electric crackling of forbidden magic. A skeletal form rapidly stitches flesh and muscle to its frame, creating a seemingly living man. A man from an age and kingdom long gone. A man who ahs conquered death and risen again to enact his insidious will from millennia ago. The screams stop and are replaced with murmurs as the corpses of the fallen arise as undead.   An ancient figure slowly turns the pages of a decrepit tome processing forbidden cosmic knowledge. Tracing a bony finger over the inscription the figure turns its head, revealing a gaunt, deathly face. “I do not receive company often,” it rasps, slowly locking eyes with the broad-shouldered warrior. The warrior makes no movement or gestures, save for his eyes which dart rapidly around the room in search of an escape. “Oh, do not struggle. It will be over soon.” The deathly figure continues, rising up from a crouch. The very fabric of the room appears to warp and shudder with the figure’s power and authority.   A Lich is to the arcane what a King is to their Kingdom: undisputed, absolute power. Resting upon a throne of raw, world-rending spellcasting potential, a Lich comes as close to a God as any mortal could imagine. However, this inspiring power comes at a dear price. Immune to the effects of age but not time, a Lich is destined to exist without living for eternity. While this drives some Liches mad and others evil, it makes them all physically decrepit and feeble. Time itself takes their body from them until they are reduced to a skeletal head, passive watching the world pass them by.

Becoming a Lich

Across the Multiverse there are many ways to become a Lich, each determining the type of Lich the mortal becomes. However, within Etharis there is only one type of Lich, as there is only one known method of ascending to Lichdom: The Ritual of Dread. The process of this ritual is a well-guarded secret, entrusted to only a handful of mortals at any one time. The process of the ritual involves several despicable acts including murder, the brewing of a vile concoction, and even one’s own death. However, it is the process of tearing one’s soul from the body that is most despised, for this process involves the sacrifice of something truly dear to a mortal, and no substitute will be accepted. For some, it is the death of a cherished loved one. For others it is a family legacy. Regardless of the sacrifice, unless the Dreadscape spirits deem it worthy, Lichdom will not be granted.


Ability Scores: Intelligence 16
Spellcasting Ability: You must have the ability to cast 7th level spells.
Roleplay: You must complete the Ritual of Dread. The process of the ritual is partially described but left intentionally vague so it can be tailored to your setting and campaign. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in-game.

A howling call is heard across thatched rooftops, summoning the pack to assemble. Below, a man tears at his clothes as moonlight shines down on him. The hunched figure screams in pain, begging his family to run. With muscles bursting and razor-sharp claws forming, his transformation is underway.   Rain pours through the forest canopy as a woman falls to her knees in exhaustion. Unable to run further, she accepts her fate and awaits the monsters of the dark. Instead, she hears a thunderous roar as a hulking figure tears through the undergrowth with impossible strength. The hulking, bear-like figure then turns to the woman and grunts, “Are you lost?” offering a paw in aid.   Lycanthropes may appear to be ordinary humanoids, but behind the veneer of humanity there is a pivotal struggle between beast and man. For most, it is rather a matter of time before they lose this fight and transform into a monstrous hybrid, half-animal and half-humanoid. Most Lycanthropes recall very little of their time transformed, often waking in a strange location, covered in blood and tattered clothes. However, as some Lycanthropes grow, they learn to balance both natures, using their curse as a gift.

Becoming a Lycanthrope

In Etharis there are two documented methods of contracting the Lycanthropic Curse. The first is being bitten by a Lycanthrope and not curing the curse before it takes hold. The second is to complete a druidic ritual known as the Lunar Sacrament. Once you have become a Lycanthrope, consider how your character feels about the curse. Do they wish to cure it before it progresses too far? Do they wish to understand it and make peace with the beast that resides within?


Ability Scores: Strength 13
Roleplay: You must have contracted the Curse of Lycanthropy. This usually comes from being bitten by a Lycanthrope and surviving the encounter. Alternatively, you may have completed the Lunar Sacrament and been imbued with Lycanthropy. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this within your backstory or in-game.

The Seraph
Incense burns dimly, as muffled coughs echo through the musty room. Loved ones hold each other as a bedridden woman exhales for the last time, her scarred face bearing the morifying lesions of the Weeping Pox. Her family sobs, too lost in the sorrow to notice how the smouldering embers radiate and shine. A woman with flowing robes and platinum hair approaches, radiant energy emitting from her folded, angelic wings. “Hold on for but a moment my child,” she whispers. “Mercy has been granted.”   With a thunderous boom, the Seraph’s hammer collides with a skeletal abomination. Shards of bones scatter across the dilapidated chapel floor as the monster roars in pain. Gritting her teeth, the angelic figure proclaims, “By all that is holy, you will be vanquished!” Golden fire erupts from her hammer as she prepares for another strike.   Seraphs are mortals who have transformed into Celestial representations of a virtue or ideal. Exalted by a higher power, Seraphs are selected by divine beings after long and patient observation, confirming that the mortal displays pure character. Seraphs are selected from noble martyrs, tireless crusaders, or other exemplary individuals who are prepared to become the physical manifestation of righteousness.

Becoming a Seraph

To be chosen by an Arch Seraph is to become a vessel for the principles they uphold. This is a charge not to be taken lightly, and those who display righteousness with the intention of becoming a Seraph are usually overlooked for this reason. When becoming a Seraph, consider why your character was chosen. Do you display hidden merit? Are you devoted to a cause they will value?


Ability Scores: Wisdom 13
Roleplay: You must have been exalted by an Arch Seraph, divine cosmic energies, or have some other plausible reason to become a Seraph. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in-game.

A lone figure clad in burnished steel greets the roaring infantry as they charge through the breach in the castle’s walls. In a flash of black mist, the figure appears in front of the soldiers, striking them down with inhuman speed.   Candlelight flickers as a hooded adviser leans over an ornate throne, whispering machinations into her lord’s enshrined mind. The chamber erupts in commotion as the lord announces further powers to be granted to the resident merchant’s guild.   Vampires are creatures of cursed blood and tragic existence, Exquisite food, a warm summer’s breeze, and growing old with loved ones are all luxuries a Vampire will never experience. Unable to enjoy many of the fineries of life as they once knew it, Vampires often become bitter creatures, filled with hate for everything they once loved.

Becoming a Vampire

Vampires are spawned into the world when a mortal contracts the Sanguine Curse, dies, and is reborn undead. There are a variety of ways to contract the curse. A Vampire may have offered their blood to a loyal servant, powerful ally, or loved one they wished to elevate. More commonly, a Vampire may have bitten you, and you survived the Vampire’s attack long enough to contract the Sanguine Curse before perishing and being reborn. Other methods include ancient and dark magic, as well as powerful but cursed magical artefacts. Regardless of how you have become a Vampire, you should discuss with your GM what type of Vampire you would like to become, and how it can be implemented into the campaign.


Ability Scores: Dexterity 13
Roleplay: You must have contracted the Sanguine Curse, whether by being bitten by a Vampire, offered their blood, completing the Sanguine Ritual, or by another plausible method. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in-game.

The soft strumming of a harp draws the children ever deeper into the dark wood. As they reach a moonlit clearing, they see a beautiful maiden dressed in a gown of starlight. She turns her soft gaze upon them at the sounds of their gasps and calls to them. "Welcome little ones, be not afraid. Step into the ring so we may dance and play."   And elfin man with pale blue skin leans his forehead against the dying tree. As he softly hums, the shrivelled leaves turn green once again, and the ancient bow begins to straighten. The man lets out of a sigh of relief, which momentarily chills the air.   The fey are changeable beings of great power and even greater danger. No two fey are quite alike, but their tie to the natural world is universal. Mortals cannot comprehend the level of true freedom the faerie people feel. To know such freedom is to change entirely.

Becoming a Fey

Becoming a fey requires a direct connection to the faerie realms. Most creatures who become fey are forced to do so when they are stolen from the material realm as a child. These children, known as Mouldables, rapidly transform after a few days trapped in the realm of faerie. A Moudable's transition is often painful or strange, for a child altered in this way does not have a say in what type of fey they ultimately become.   A creature who voluntarily seeks to become a fey cane strike a deal with an Arch Fey or beseech the court of one of the faerie queens. These pathways to transformation are as dangerous as the realms of faeries themselves, and it requires a quick wit and sharp awareness to get the best of the fey kind.


Ability Scores: Charisma 13
Roleplay: You must have sworn fealty to one of the fey courts, been raised in the realms as a mouldable, or have some other plausible reason to have become a Fey. Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this in the game.

The city dwellers raise their eyes to a floating figure barely glimpsed through the smog-filled sky. Their cries ring out as the figure, wreathed in flame, clenches a fist, causing the earth to tremble violently. The crushing weight of water is the last sensation the people know, as their filthy streets are washed clean.   The primordial throws her head back as she exhales a gout of flame. Her charred skin rapidly heals as she wades free of the molten lava, laughing all the way. Her companions look on in horror as she calls to them, "I have heard it. I heard the song of creation!"   Primordials are born when a human absorbs a spark of primordial chaos. The primordial forces are the purest building blocks of creation, and a fostered spark quickly grows to an all-consuming flame. Mastering the elements requires unlearning the limitations of mortality, a process that spurs rapid transformation.

Becoming a Primordial

There are several ways for a mortal to consume a primordial spark, but continuing to become an elemental takes concentrated effort. A mortal might be born with a spark, gifted one, or they could gain one by consuming the power of an elemental. Once acquired, one must spend a great deal of time contemplating and understanding the spark to unlock its full potential.   The process of attaining elemental mastery is dangerous, the slightest slip in control can cause devastation on a massive scale. Such facts are why isolated individuals like druids, monks, or rangers are most likely to see the transformation through to the end.


Ability Scores: Constitution 13
Roleplay: Either through ritual, defeating a greater Elemental being, or some other means, you must consume a Primordial Spark.

A lithe figure dashes between buildings, their body becomes luminous and ghastly, held together in tatters as the being disappears into a wall. The ghostly shape reappears on the rooftops, emerging from the solid slate. They turn, eyes luminous and haunted, and unleash a cry of the dead, beckoning all who hear to the afterlife.   A living person becomes a spectre either by touching the realm of the dead or by means of magic that breaks the body's ties to material reality and time. The transformation tears at the substance of body and mind, until what is left is a spiritual shadow. Spectres have a tenuous grasp on reality, and some fade into oblivion while others become monsters that sow the same. Few cursed with this transformation have the fortitude to remain whole.

Becoming a Spectre

Methods of becoming a spectre vary, and few find their way willingly. Contact with the forces of death is the most common, a would-be-hero is corrupted by the force they wanted to fight. Sinister rituals can also infuse a body with the powers of unmaking. Alongside beings and magic of death stand entities that exist in a reality untethered from the material world as mortals understand it. These others and their minions, manifestations of otherworldly chaos, can infuse a person with that chaos, making the victim's ultimate home a dream of cosmic horror.


Ability Scores: Dexterity 13
Roleplay: You must have contact with the world of the dead, either through an encounter with a monstrous and incorporeal undead creature or through some contact with the afterlife. Some magical rituals can infuse mortals with this energy. Alternatively you had contact with an entity or force that has caused your material form to start to slip out of existence.


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