Admiral Endoria Onaglie - Master of the Navigators Guild Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Admiral Endoria Onaglie - Master of the Navigators Guild

Born into one of the oldest and most renowned noble families of Morencia, Endoria Onaglie nonetheless earned his rank of Guild Master of The Navigators Guild through his numerous deeds during his already long career. But this fifty-year-old, seasoned captain has lost none of his power, save for an eye. Admiral Onaglie was in charge of the Morencian fleet when the Castinella Provinces managed to strike Morencia by surprise. Only his experience and intuition allowed ships to be deployed from the Arsenal quickly enough to avoid the complete destruction of the Morencian fleet. He then led the remaining ships against the Castinellans, losing his eye during the final assault on the enemy flagship.  


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