Dodge Lorenzo Flabenici Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Dodge Lorenzo Flabenici

Elected for a lifetime mandate, the Doge is the official representative and—supposedly—most influential person in Morencia which is a considerable feat for a gnome in souther Etharis. The election is a long process that usually lasts an entire week or more. Flabenici’s election took a moderate ten days, a duration that should have been an omen of a stable and seamless governance, but many events have disturbed the course of Morencia during his mandate. Although Doge Lorenzo was not directly responsible for the Castinellan conflict or the recent degeneracy of the Black Carnival, his reputation has suffered from both blows to Morencia’s honor.   Further, his calamitous move to bail out the city’s coffers by selling seats on the Supreme Council have sealed his disapproval by the people. He is now in a delicate political position, forced to constantly renegotiate with his fellow nobles and the guilds.  


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