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Faro Marches

Balancing at the fork of the Salves River, the fortified city of Faro stands proudly to govern and exploit the fertile area that hosts the great harbors, where most of the powerful Castinellan fleet is built and maintained.  

Faro, the cliff city

Eons of erosion have sculpted an impressive cliff at the fork of the Salves, providing the ideal location for an impregnable fortress. The Farosi, as they call themselves, swiftly understood that their best way of defense was to control the river. Without a doubt, Faro is the most defensible city in all Castinella, maybe in all Etharis. The river provides a natural barrier on the west and north sides. The land to the south and east are so incredibly fertile that they are known as the Blessing. Moreover, the river and the nearby sea provide an incredible proliferation of fish, so it is no surprise that the people of Faro became mighty sailors and developed a close relationship with the sea.   The Faro area used to be ruled by a council of landowners, the landholders inside the Blessing carrying more weight in the decisionmaking process than those on the western and northern riversides. Decisions needed to gather two thirds of the votes to be enacted, always making negotiations in the wake of wars very tense. Things have changed somewhat since the Unifier, though, and the Castinellan clergy now holds a predominant position in the decisionmaking process.  

Half in the sea, half in the land

The economy of Faro is flourishing, benefitting from both land and sea. Inside the Blessing, the southern lands are full of salt marshes and shellfish farming installations, while the northern lands grow various grains, fruits, and vegetable crops. Outside the Blessing, high forests occupy the riversides, with hunting providing the main means of subsistence.   This complete spectrum of food production creates good trade opportunities for the Farosi, while also allowing a total self-sufficiency in case of invasion, as long as the Mighty Fleet prevents invaders from entering the Blessing.  

The great arsenals

The Farosi relied on their naval capabilities to maintain their independence in the centuries before unification. Their naval superiority allowed them to launch raids deep inside enemy territory and prevent enemy fleets from attacking the Blessing from the sea. Since the unification, the Farosi Raiders are known as the Mighty Fleet. They dominate the Gulf of Lions, with trade routes along everyshore of Etharis. These ships are built in the Great Arsenals, which occupy most of the riversides of the southern river branch, and have taken a heavy toll on the high forests. Moreover, this deforestation has leached the soil and provoked landslides.   The Farosi are aware of this and are trying to regenerate the forests, but after the crushing defeat of their attack against Morencia, there is no doubt that even more trees will be cut to rebuild the Mighty Fleet.
Large city


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