Kolyhs “The Blazing Brain”, Master of the Bankers Guild and Augustine Trading Company Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Kolyhs “The Blazing Brain”, Master of the Bankers Guild and Augustine Trading Company (Co-lee-us)

Some consider the Blazing Brain the most powerful personality in Morencia. Many tales surround this mysterious character, try to explain his meteoric rise to power in Morencia’s two most powerful mercantile organizations.   His origins are another mystery that fuels both fascination and distrust among the Morencians. Whatever the truth may be, he is a man with considerable power thanks to the immense fortune the The Bankers Guild sits on. First commanding The Bankers Guild, he controversially allowed the Augustine Trading Company to buy a controlling portion of the Guild. Though dwarfed by the Augustine Trading Company, the Morencian Bankers Guild became the Company’s single largest constituent, and Kolhys leveraged this position to rise through the Augustine Trading Company’s ranks until he commanded both organizations.   Kolhys was the very first banker to obtain a seat on The Supreme Council, which immediately provoked controversy. Moreover, he has been accused numerous times of corrupting other council members, but has never been convicted, as his accusers always either suddenly withdrew their complaints or disappeared under mysterious circumstances.   Many believe that now The Bankers Guild, the Augustine Trading Company, and the The Supreme Council are effectively the same entity. If that’s true, they have Kolhys to thank—or curse—for it.  


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