Lord Duma Felsinger of Erlefurt Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Lord Duma Felsinger of Erlefurt

RACE: Halfling / Druid
SEX: Male
AGE: 80
Friendly and outgoing. He is a just ruler and a fair judge, ususaly siding on the more lenient approach rather than brash rulings. He loves to laugh and enjoys a more extroverted lifestyle within his community. Hosting many parties and festivals at his home.
  • Honest but gentle
  • Loves to Teach / Passion for Students
  • Accepting of all races & belief systems
  • Battles with depression when he is alone.
  • Haunted by his background as a war mage.
Low, jolly voice, (think santa clause). Lots of dragged articulation and over pronounced words. Slower speaking like he is always trying to look for the next word.    
Lord Duma started his life as a child in the city of Erlefort. At age 16 he attended magical college and studied as a druid. His affinty for natural magic helped him tremendously. At age 20 he graduted from school and joind the Burach army as a battle mage, using his druidcraft and wildshape abalities in battle for the empire.   After 30 years of military service he took up a position in local politics and soon after was titled Lord. He still holds his place on a counsle of magic within the Burach empire.   The capital of the province of Nordenland is Erlefurt, a city in West Nordenland that houses various colleges devoted to each branch of magic. The Norden’s, and by proxy the Erlefurts greatest talent lies in magic. Any mage who aspires to a name in the Bürach Empire goes to Erlefurt in order to gain mastery at one of the famed Great Colleges there. Norden mages are renowned for their skill and intellect, and remain in demand throughout the Empire. For the last 50 years Lord Duma has been a massive advocate for the safe learning of magic.
Lord Duma Felsinger

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