Martorius Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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RACE: Dragonborn / Wizard
SEX: Male
AGE: Unknown (Speculation is over 500)
Powerful and commanding. Wise and brimming with knowledge.
  • Meticulous
  • Forward Thinking
  • Secretive & Guarded
  • Untrusting of anyone but himself.
  • Overly Ambitious - to a fault.
He speaks in a low atriculate voice. He sounds like a much younger man than he is. He has perfect articulation of all letters and phrases. He speaks around the point a lot, talking circles around most.  
Decades after the Gods’ End, an enormous palace of shining, opalescent towers and silken banners appeared atop a mountain overlooking Abendland   The castle’s owner is the archmage Martorius. He claimed that he had lived on this land before The Burach Empire even existed, but had spent the intervening years traveling between dimensions in pursuit of his magical research. Now, he assured the Unterfolk, he had no interest but to observe developments in the Empire as they unfold.   Indeed, the archmage’s castle is a wonder to behold. Dignitaries that have visited it report that there is no way to determine its true dimensions, as it expands and adds rooms to itself as necessary. Aerial servants cater to the guests, and a wide variety of illusionary people and animals wander through the halls as if they had a life of their own. Given Martorius’ stature, the imperial government decided to accommodate him. In return, Martorius offered his counsel and even aided the Hearthkeepers in keeping the peace among the provinces. Yet for all this, no one in the imperial court believes Martorius is truly benevolent. The The Hearthkeepers know his servants have been making inquiries throughout the provinces, searching high and low for the emperor’s artifacts. They have sent spies to infiltrate his palace, but none have returned. What Martorius is really after remains to be seen.

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