Mina Taliesin - "The Lady of Masks" Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Mina Taliesin - "The Lady of Masks"

RACE: Elven
SEX: Female
AGE: 260
She is a grand strategist, always looking for leverage or an angle she can use to acomplish her goals. She is elegant and brutal not taking any dissent or disloyalty within her circle of influence. She is also smart and patient, waiting for the right moments to dispatch her plan and her enemies at the same time.
  • Patient
  • Master Strategist
  • Connected & Well Spoken
  • Hates Vampires: To the extent that she sometimes makes rash decisions when it come to oposing their influence.
  • Arrogant & Overconfident
Slow and fluid, taking her time with the words. With an elegance and precision of a balet dancer. Her tone is sensual and breathy. One conversation with her and you can tell she is equal parts sexy and deadly  
Mina Taliesin, The Lady of Masks is the first Minister of the Raevo Republic, Lady Taliesin is an enigma even to her own people. An archmage of immense power, she controls by proxy every industry and social organisation in Raevo. She also serves as the primary liaison between Raevo and the Ravencourt Sanctuary There is even sepeclation that The Keeper, the figurehead of the sanctuary is her resurected husband. Further rumor states that she is also a covert member of the Thaumaturge.   Taliesin gained her moniker from the metal face mask she wears at all times since the assassination attempt (suspected to be by the Soman nobility) that took her husband’s life and left her partially blind and disfigured. The mask, one of her own design, allows her to see, breathe, and speak normally while protecting her from any attempt to breach her mind.   A grand strategist, Taliesin has ruled for decades, successfully defending her rule against challengers from within and without the province. While the Raevans enjoy a higher standard of life than other provinces, they are essentially a police state under the watchful eye of the magocracy. Any act of disloyalty or dissent is dealt with quickly and unequivocally.   Her expansive spy network keeps her abreast of all potential dangers to the government. Rumours have it that she has a highly-placed contact within Soma itself, allowing her to sabotage the vampires’ endeavours. Lady Taliesin seeks to destroy the vampire aristocracy and control all of Soma. In her mind, this is the only way to be truly free of their corruption and the influence of the City Below. Only the common threat of The Burach Empire stays her hand.
Mina Taliesin - "The Lady of Masks"

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