Mr. Jackson "Jack" Torrence Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Mr. Jackson "Jack" Torrence (Jack-son Tore-ants)

RACE: Human
SEX: Male
AGE: 54
Friendly and quiet. When he speaks, he says exactly what he means to say. He hates theives and lazy people. Famous for the phrase "There are three kinds of good in this world. There's good, good for nothing and good for shit. Pay mind to which one you fall under."
  • Hard Working
  • Confident & Compotent
  • Excelent Horesman & Even Better Bowman
  • Gets real carnky before his morning coffee.
  • He has a real affinty for female Dreamers. Unable to stop himself from trying to "become aqauainted" with them when they are around.
Speach: Southern drawl, low voice, slow speaking.
Jack was born and raise in Toletum (eastern side of the Castinellan Province, just west of the Corova Mountains). Born to a lower class family, while his mother was a leather worker specializing in armor, his father was a stableman looking after the cities war horses. From age 5 to age 16 he was either helping his mother make armor or his father care for the horses. Since his family was on the poor side, they relied on heavily on foraging and hunting in the Corova mountains to the west. He learned a great deal from his mother on what natural plants were good to eat or useful in medicine and poisons. His father trained him in the bow and he took to it with a great deal of natural talent, able to hunt on his own by age 13.   At the age of 17 he enlisted in the Toletum Squares and served in the military for the next 20 years. After the death of his father to weaping pox when he was 37, leaving his aging mother a widow Jack felt the push to make more gold than the military could provide. He retired from the Squares and took a job as a coachman for the Arcanist Inquisiton as it fed into his strengths with horses, living off the land and of course his fathers longbow. The money was much better and overall the work was a lot safer. He has been working within Inquisition for the last 17 years, sending half of his monthly pay to his now 70 year old mother in Toletum.  
Present Day
Two years ago he was assigned as didicated coachman for the party and has been with them ever since. He has never really sold out on the cause of the Inquisiton but he makes good like he does. Either way he has a real respect for the party and enjoys driving them around and time to time lending his bow in a roadside scuffle or his fists in a friendly bar fight.  
Other Notes
There are 2 horses that pull the carriage. One be a dark brown, female, Dutch Draft names Celia, the other is a black, male, Shire Horse named Adonis.

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