Odis Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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RACE: Elven / Wizard
SEX: Male
AGE: 230
Odis is a true explorer and lover of all magic. He is inquisitive and curious and enjoys a good adventure, the more dangerous the better for him.
  • Vastly Intelligent
  • An adept investigator and explorer
  • Accepting of all magics, no matter the discipline.
  • Sometimes a litte too curious which gets him in over his head.
  • A little be naive. Easily convinced on peoples intentions.
Boisterous and harty. Sounds a lot like Sean Gilmore from CR.  
Growing up in the elven lands of The Thousand Rivers it was safe to say that Odis was destined for great things from the begining. Coming from humble beginings, he worked in his fathers trade, becoming a boatman on the rivers, moving goods from place to place. Realizing later he had a longing for more he grew interested in exploring and in magic. Eventually going to study at the Sarmar Mage School in the Burach Empire.   During his school years he excelled in becoming a wizard, but he could never shake his deep love for legend and lore, espically monster lore. So when knowledge that the northern myth known as The Great Wyrm and the phenomenon known as coldfire could be real he left school to investigate. He has spent the last century studying all over the northern lands to find anything he can to prove his theories.
Odis in his study

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