Razbat - Warden of Cold Iron Keep Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Razbat - Warden of Cold Iron Keep

RACE: Half Orc / Warlock
SEX: Female
AGE: 50
She is the poster child of a no BS woman. She says what she means and is not worried about how it is percieved. She if ruthless and cold, valueing rules and the law more than anything else.
  • Perceptive
  • Adebt fighter & mage
  • Strong willed and cunning
  • Ruthless when it comes to breaking established rules, espically her own.
  • Very racist toward all those of celestial bloodlines like downcast.
She sounds very much like the jar of dirt witch woman from pirates of the caribbean. She speaks in a lower voice as if she is alway trying to intimidate you.  
Growing up to a war tribe deep within the cold mountain ranges of northern Kandar will force anyone to grow up fast. Being the child of an Orc warlord father and a human mage mother does not ease that burden. So it is safe to say Razbat grew up fast and hard.   In her early years she idolizedher father and learned the ways of ruthless war. her mother on the other hand was no soft personality either, worshiping an ancient diety known as The Pestilent Queen, she schooled her daughter in the ways of harsh magic. At the early age of 15 Razbat was already a skilled warrior and a comptenet magic user, devoting herself to her tribal traditions, her father's rules and her pledging herself to her mother's goddess. As her love for hard battles, steadfast worship and a healthy respect for the rules, she specailized in hunting and killing any who threatened her lands.   So when the old castle of an evil mage was transformed into a prison for the most dangerous and nafarious magic users in Etharis, she was the first one to volunteer for the job of Warden. A shoe in with her skill set, she started her job at just 24 years old and has been in that position ever since.  
Cold Iron Keep
In the east of Kandar, high in the Jakkan Mountain Range lies a castle that serves as the prison for Kandar’s most dangerous druids, criminals, and madmen.   Cold Iron Keep was first raised from the stones of Jakkan by the evil mage Mordu. From there, he preyed on the local populace and traveling merchants, sacrificing hundreds of innocents to otherworldly beings in his bid for power. Eventually, he was overthrown by heroes. The locals ransacked his castle but otherwise left it intact. Cold Iron Keep stayed empty for many years until it was appropriated by the leaders of Kandar and converted into a prison.   Numbered among the Keep’s inmates are: Jormund, a unique vampire frost giant who is shunned even among his own kind. He is kept in a state of torpor inside a quartz coffin while mages from Kandar study his condition.   Astar, a powerful sorceress who, in the process of trying to achieve unearthly beauty, caused her features to become so unspeakably hideous that one look can turn a person into solid stone. She is forced to wear an iron mask while she is incarcerated.   Riven, a cultist who appears to have gained the ability to steal a person’s face and absorb their life essence.   Sumac, a man whose very words are poison—who can kill another just by speaking and force others to do his bidding.   And finally, Gorm, known to many as the Heir of the Wyrm, a man who continually burns with coldfire from head to foot yet is not consumed. No one knows his origins. Having been driven quite mad, Gorm claims to know the secrets of Volgen and the Great Wyrm, and promises that the end of the world will begin the instant his foot touches the snow once more.
Razbat - Warden of the Cold Iron Keep

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