Reginald Lowrey Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Reginald Lowrey

Born in the small town of Donjon in the foothills of the Corova mountains, Reginald grew up a mineral miner. After many long years in the mines he was sitting in a bar one night and an inquisiton soldier came in looking for a rogue mage. The inquisitor had information that the mage worked in the mine. The bartender pointed him to Reginald. After a short converastion and the promise of gold, Reginald sold out his coworker. After the inquisitor found and captured the mage he offered Reginald a chance to leave the mines forever and join him in his holy quest for Empyreus - Arch Seraph of Valor to serve the The Arcanist Inquisition   Reginald departed the next day, leaving his family and his home to join the cause. He worked as an inquisitor for 15 years, and was eventurally offered the job of Overseer. On a diplomatic mission in the north he ran across a young ranger named Vincent. Reginald watched from the trees on the side of the road as the young ranger killed a traveling mage in a most brutal fassion. After the mage collapsed from drunkness and blood loss, Reginals took the young man in and spent the next years training him to be a member of the Inquisition. Never having a wife or children, Reginald looked at Vincent as something of a son.  


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