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A small farm town in a valley 20 miles west of the Corova mountains. Home to about 100 people.  

Locations name:


Location alignment:


Name of Leader:

Everett Shaw
  • Older Gnomish man
  • Kind & Honest
  • Runs the town with the help of his wife, a Gnomish woman named Erika
  • Everett works to help hide mages going north. He knows where the mages are but will hide them at all costs because he does not want the iqusition to find them because he does not trust them.
  • His wife Erika will try to meet with the party in secret to give up the mages to protect the town but will ask they dont harm Everett or the town.

How do rulers maintain power:

Village Elder  

How is successor selected

When he dies or retires they will choose a new elder from the town as a vote.  

Who is next in line:

Noone as of now.  

Primary Trade of location:

Corn, Wool from sheep.  

What is primary food

Corn products, and lamb/sheep.  

Where does the food come from

They Farm it  

Name of Bars & Inns:

The Sagovia Inn  

Owners of Bars & Inns:

  • Dwarf man in his later years.
  • Kind hearted and quirky
  • Runs the inn with his wife Marissa
  • He does not know about the mages but knows that people come and go from town a lot they he does not know.
  • Him and his wife know and respect the dulan brothers, but they think that they are treveling corn merchants.

Is there a specialty food dish for the location:

Corn chowder  

Blacksmith/wizards/enchanters/town hermits/stable & any other vendors in location:

Hector Firestoker / Half Orc Man
  • He knows where the cottage with the mages is but he will not give it up willingly. He hates the inquisiton.
Morgan / 40yrs, Female Halfling
  • Lives in town with her husband Sam (45yr, human man / local farmer) on their small corn farm.
  • Sam brings food to the mages that hide out in the cottage but keeps it a secret from his wife to keep her safe. He will give up the info if pressed but will ask that they spare him and his wife.

Reason why certain vendors are missing:


Majority Race of the location:


Population Size of location:

100 ppl  

General Size(distance/ sq acres) of location:


Size of police force:

None, Self policed  

Leader of police force:



Templer to Morael - Arch Seraph of Sacrifice.
  • Run by Lady Unity: Human woman, 30yrs.
  • Devout and soft spoken, she lives to serve others.
  • She knows the mages in hiding and where they are. She helps them and will willingly die before giving them up.


Tisha / 25yrs, Human Woman
  • Lives with her husband Daniel (human man) and their tow children, Farick (Male, 8) and Rosa (Female, 6)


  • They know nothing about the mages or what is going on in town.

Are their any guilds in the area that have effect?


Is there a thieves guild?


Who are the local trouble makers?

Local boys, nothing special, this is a prety tame town.  

What illegal activity goes on behind the scenes? Gambling? Prostitution? slave auctions? etc

  • Some memebers of the town are invloved in hiding mages running north from the Inquisiton.

Is there a blackmarket or location where criminals gather?


Nearest source of water (lake,river,etc)

The Sable River that runs right along side of town, and a well that is in the town square.  

Common caravan destination, or common trade route

Mornecia & Toletum  

Locations nearby ( and distance)

  • Toletum: 20 miles west
  • Morencia: 85 miles west / northwest

any unique geography to the area

Corova Mountains 15-20 miles to the west and north.  

Where to people gather to hear from their leader?

Town Square  

Where do townfolk run for shelter in attack?

To the Inn.   -Historical Events that occurred nearby   -Historical/Current Heroes   -How is sanitation taken care of   -Are there any unique common illnesses   -Does the location have Bath houses? Outhouses? Latrines? Poopbuckets? Ditches?   -Are there any slums?   -How are poor people dealt with?   -Who runs the slums if they exist   -Is there any mafia presence   -How do they maintain power   -How did they get power   -Mafia/mafia-type alignment(Robin Hood or Don Corleone)   -What kind of military presence is there?   -Is there a castle/keep/fort?   -How old is the castle/keep/fort?   -Who's in charge of it?   -Are there any schools or an academy?   -Who's in charge of it?   -Is there a knightly order specific to the location?   -Who commands this order?   -how is he or she selected?   -Are there unique ranks in this order?   -Where/How is the town news distributed?
Sagovia Concept Art
Sagovia Map


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