Witch Hunter Vedemir Kaltstahl Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Witch Hunter Vedemir Kaltstahl (Ved-E-me-r Call-ta-sh-tall)

With a long record including the famous capture and execution of the Three Sisters, a band of sorceresses that terrorised the Bürach Empire for many years, Witch Hunter Vedemir Kaltstahl has nothing left to prove.   It is no surprise that she was chosen by the Supreme Council to investigate the mysterious series of murders referred to as the Dread of the Moonless Night. See Morencia for more information. Her investigation has only started recently though, and there is no sign of progress yet, other than her sudden demand to individually interrogate every member of the Supreme Council. Knowing her extreme interrogation techniques, it is understandable that some council members have tried to wriggle out of questioning, even though it brings suspicion on them.  


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