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Ingenious and full of energy, gnomes are considered to be distant cousins of the dwarven race. Even shorter than the dwarves and not equally bulky, this small-framed race compensates for the lack of muscle with everworking brains and a great aptitude for invention. Even though their inventions have a bad habit of blowing up, no one can stay mad at a gnome. Their cheerful attitude, curiosity, and humor puts the gomes among the most likely to have a good feast or a carefree dance.   Apart from their joyful side, they have created some of the most impressive mechanical wonders of Etharis. Cannons, automatons, flintlocks, and explosives are all reputed to be results of gnomish brilliance. If you are looking for a gnome in a populated city, you just have to wait for the explosion to guide your steps.   During the Era of Expansion, gnome settlements outside the shelter of mountains were annihilated by human warlords, forcing them to seek shelter in the neighboring dwarven city of Stehlenwald. There they shared the fate of their dwarven cousins as countless human armies besieged the tall stone walls of the city.   The surviving gnomes pushed the dwarven thane to dig deeper, in a last attempt to find new metals or an escape route beneath the mountains.   As the dwarves were gazing upon the newfound adamantine, the gnomes were staring at the other veins of the mountain, their ingenious minds hatching a plan to win the war.   The gnomish alchemists worked day and night, mixing the gifts of the mountain until they invented a new weapon: explosives. As the dwarves charged in their impenetrable shining adamantine armours, they were backed up by the sound of explosions as the gnomes hurled cannonballs and dynamite at the enemy. The humans quickly scattered; the effects of the explosives had struck fear into their hearts. The battle was won but the losses for both gnomes and dwarves were great. The gnomish race followed the dwarves in the Stehlenwald kingdom into their centuries-long isolation. When the dwarven king voluntarily joined the Bürach empire, the gnomes followed. Today, with trade reaching all across the empire, the gnomes can lay hands on even more exotic and volatile materials, pushing (or blowing) their science to new heights each passing day.


Ability Score Increase +2 Int, +1 Con
Size Small
Speed 25ft

Darkvision: Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.   Artificer’s Lore: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.   Tinker Soldier: You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools), Advanced ranged weapons, and explosives. Using your tinker tools, you can craft advanced and specialized ammunition (except blessed) in 1 hour provided you have access to materials worth half of the desired result.

Languages. Dwarvish and either Gnomish or Imperial Norm

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