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Ruler: (West Nordenland)- Archduchess Maelfa /(East Nordenland)- Patriarch Alfric   Long been named as the focal point of magical studies in the Empire, Nordenland is politically split down its center. West Nordenland has declared itself loyal to the Bürach Empire, while East Nordenland has taken advantage of the Empire’s distraction and declared itself an independent state. Two capital cities exist: Erlefurt in the West, and Ulmirac in the East.   While an uneasy truce reigns between the two factions, the schism remains as deep as ever, with both sides maintaining troops at their borders. Travellers, and especially adventurers, have trouble crossing the border between East and West, as both sides are quick to suspect strangers of spying for the other side.   Politics isn’t the only thing the Norden are clannish about. They are also split in terms of magical education. Indeed, arcane education is the primary export of the province, with both sides relentlessly training their own brand of magic-users.   West Nordenland specializes in arcane magic. The city of Erlefurt began as a mage college, training wizards for many years before growing into a city. A total of eight wizard schools have since arisen in Nordenland, and while graduating from one is considered a great honor, Erlefurt’s Magister College is considered the foremost institution for arcane magic, rivalled only by the Ravencourt Sanctuary in Ostoya. Scrolls, spellbooks, and various magic items abound in the shops along Viternas Lane. Archduchess Maelfa and her magistrate focus on training more mages to cement her importance to the Imperial family and to hold the East in check.   Meanwhile, East Nordenland draws magic entirely from the natural world. The capital city of Ulmirac houses the Order of the Golden Bough, the most powerful druid sect in the Empire. Nearly everything worth learning about nature can be found in their Library of Trees. Potions, ingredients, and herbs of all kinds may be found in the Silverine Market.   Alfric, Patriarch of the Oaken Circle, maintains order while encouraging his citizens to live in harmony with the natural world. Thus, the Circle maintains protective magical boundaries on the forests of East Nordenland, but even these are failing due to the power of the Great Beast. Indeed, the only thing keeping the Norden from all-out civil war is the ongoing threat of the Beast. The entity seems more active in Nordenland than in any other province, with large sections of forests having been turned into a twisted hellscape populated by corrupted monstrosities.   Unlike Abendlanders, the Norden recognize the threat of the Beast and prioritize its destruction. To this end, they offer riches and magical secrets to any who can help recover the lost Imperial artifacts that have birthed this monstrosity.
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