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Ruler: The Prismatic Circle; Chief Nolgr Magnusson   To this day, the people of Grarjord fear Gormadraug, the legendary Prismatic Wyrm that sleeps in the northern oceans and whose waking could bring about the end of the world. An order of druids known as the Prismatic Circle dedicate themselves to stopping this from happening. Through sacrifices of blood and war, they believe they can prevent the awakening of Gormadraug, and thus keep the world safe.   Three Valikan tribes—Rune, Syr, and Volgr—supported this belief, forming the theocratic province of Thrull. Thrull covers most of western Grarjord, which is mostly tundra, mountains, and islands. With little farmland, its inhabitants have turned to raiding and pillaging to sustain themselves.   These raids originate primarily from the Thrull capital of Tyburn, a coastal town for longships that prowl the coastline. Tyburn is largely composed of wooden longhouses and huts, some with thatched roofs. Where wood is scarce, many families have to make do with turf and sod roofs, and animals often climb atop homes to feed on stray grass.   Tyburn’s economy runs on captured laborers. Prisoners are brought via longships to the city, where most are sold to work in fields or in rich households. The more able-bodied are put to work in mines or operating the bellows of a forge.   The most unfortunate are handed over to the druids, where they are ritually sacrificed to the Wyrm, their bodies skinned and hung on the branches of sacred trees. The blood that seeps into the soil is said to warm the earth, deepening Gormadraug’s slumber.   Tyburn itself is controlled by the largest tribe: Clan Volgr. A tribe of devoted warriors, the Volgr are the muscle of the Prismatic Circle and responsible for raiding. The other clans maintain a presence in the city as well. Clan Syr is most adept at forging and supplying weapons to the Thrull army, while the powerful magics of Clan Rune keep their enemies at bay.   Being isolationists, Thrullfolk see all foreigners as meddlers with imperialistic aims. Any who show up on their lands without clearance from their clan leaders are met with violence and likely enslaved.   Currently, Chief Nolgr Magnusson of the Volgr leads the three clans. His goal is to project Thrull power across all of Grarjord, hence their docks are full of new longships and his clans continue to train more raiders.   Thrull is also known for their expertise in elemental magic. Here, Clan Rune are without peer. Their mages are adept at fashioning runestones containing powerful and destructive spells.   The rest of Grarjord have learned to fear the Thrull raids. First come torrents of lightning and fire, destroying homes and creating havoc among the town’s defences. Then follows a deafening war cry as the Volgr berserkers rush into battle, wielding Syr-made magical axes and shields. Such an assault has made even the most stalwart defenders falter
Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization

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