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Aasim, the God of Gifts, was a Gnome who first found one of Aols remains, ascending to godhood with many others. As he saw the other races appearing through rifts of different universes and planes some found comfort in worshipping him. As a generous God, being known as the gift-giver, Aasim rewarded his follower with trinkets of his might empowering them more and more. The most devout of his followers were improved by Aasim and changed so much by his power, that they emerged as a new celestial race themselves.   But as Aasim gave away more and more of his power as a gift top his devoted followers, he himself grew weaker and returned unto Etharis as an old and frail man. He then sailed to an island, Iphalis, far to the southeast of Etharis. Where the Aasimar cared for their god until his death of old age and built a Community nowaday known as the small democracy Aandbar.   While aasimar are strident foes of evil, they typically prefer to keep a low profile. An aasimar inevitably draws the attention of evil cultists, fiends, and other enemies of good, all of whom would be eager to strike down a celestial champion if they had the chance. When traveling, aasimar prefer hoods, closed helms, and other gear that allows them to conceal their identities. They nevertheless have no compunction about striking openly at evil. The secrecy they desire is never worth endangering the innocent.   Some of the younger aasimar do not follow the paths of their ancestors though and do not act in selfless or purely good ways. If they turn to the side of evil, the magic that Aasim gifted their forefathers turns corrupted and corrupts their forms as well turning them into so-called Fallen Aasimar.
Scientific Name
Elder race
160 year
Average Height
4′7″‒6′8″ (1.4‒2,1 m)
Average Weight
89‒245 lb (40‒111 kg)


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