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A fervent love for the land is the feature that best defines the people of the Charneault Kingdom. From the lower classes to the rich families there is a common saying: “Do not spoil, or be foiled.” Many people devotedly work in agriculture or fishing the rivers, and nature usually has returned their care, rewarding the hard worker with heavy yields if he treats his land kindly.   The Charneault people are mainly caucasian white humans having mostly brown and red hair. the second biggest population are the elves with pale skin, blue, green or yellow eyes and blonde or black hair.   the people and towns of the Charneault kingdom are mostly inspired by french culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adrienne, Agnès, Alice, Aline, Anastasie, Annabelle, Belle, Andrée/Andréa, Anne, Annette, Antoinette, Bernadette, Camille, Catherine, Céline, Charlotte, Christine, Danielle, Denise, Dominique, Édith, Elaine, Françoise, Isabelle, Joséphine, Mathilde, Michelle, Monique, Nathalie, Pauline, Renée, Sévérine, Simone, Sophie, Thérèse

Masculine names

Colin, Estienne, Gillet, Guillhaume, Jaquet, Jehan, Perrin, Regnault, Robin, Thomas, Baptiste, Blaise, Charlemagne, Cyrano, Gaston, Gustave, Jean-Claude, Jean-Luc, Laurent, Napoleón, Rémi, Yves

Family names

Abadie, Alarie, Allard, Anouilh, Archambeau, Arsenault, Auclair, Barbeau, Barbier, Bassett, Baudelaire, Beauregard, Beausoleil, Bellamy, Berger, Bisset, Blanchet, Bonfils, Boucher, Boulanger, Brun, Camus, Carpentier, Carre, Cartier, Chapelle, Charbonnier, Chastain, Chatelain, Chevalier, Chevrolet, Corbin, De la Cour, De la Croix, De la Rue, Desjardins, Donadieu, Dubois, Dupont, Dupuis, Durand, Escoffier, Farrow, Fontaine, Forestier, Fortier, Fortin, Fournier, Gagneux, Gagnon, Garcon, Garnier, Guillaume, Jourdain, Laferriere, Lafitte, Laflamme, Laframboise, Lagrange, Lamar, Lambert, Lane, Langlois, Laval, Lavigne, Leclerc, Lefebre, Legrand, Lemaitre, Lenoir, Leroux, Leroy, Le Sueur, Marchand, Martel, Moreau, Moulin, Petit, Picard, Poirier, Pomeroy, Porcher, Proulx, Remy, Richelieu, Roche, Sartre, Sergeant, Serrurier, Simon, Thibaut, Toussaint, Travers, Vachon, Vaillancourt, Vercher, Verne, Vieux, Violette, Voland


Culture and cultural heritage


  The bond with nature has always been stronger for the elves than any other race of Etharis. From the many generations spent living in connection with nature, the elves have acquired many skills and deep knowledge. However, they have also developed a powerful sense of superiority towards humans, who are unable to feel the beating pulse of the world. Many elves suspect some significance in the fact that the gradual Rotting of the World has mostly coincided with the rise of humanity in Etharis. This has of course deepened the enmity between humans and other races, an enmity that has spread all over the world to varying degrees.   According to wise, ancient elves, the fact that Spirits of Nature are rarely seen elsewhere in Etharis is due to the Rotting of the World. Apart from a handful of locations hidden in the most remote parts of Etharis, the Charneault Kingdom seems to be the last region of the world where the Spirits of Nature are sometimes visible. Thus is it no surprise that only in Charneault are the elves openly maintaining bonds with the Spirits. However the Rotting of the World has not left elves untouched, even in the protected land of Caer Neiada. Some have developed deviant behaviour and ideologies that threaten the cohesion of what remains of the elven civilization.

Shared customary codes and values

The faith in the Spirits of Nature has become quite strong among the lower classes, who believe that not thanking the local Spirits is the best way to attract the Mist and troubles. This has sadly become even more strongly believed with the arrival of the Dark Mist, and not without good reasons. The life of a farmer had been relatively safe for generations but now it is far more dangerous. As the Mist intensifies, the most superstitious do not dare to go to the fields when the Mist is near, or signs of it, dark or not. This has led to disruption of agriculture in the entire kingdom and led to shortages, something unseen for many decades.   All in all, the people of the Kingdom are people used to enduring a life of labour and service to a higher cause.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals


  Knighthood is a highly codified institution in the Charneault Kingdom. Any squire willing to become a knight must first arm themself and leave their home on a quest. They bear a blank shield during their quest until they have accomplished their first deed of bravery. Once achieved, the squire can assert the right to bear a coat of arms on their shield. If the squire helped in some way to fulfill the mission assigned to a Chapter, they can then wear the arms of that Chapter.   Sometimes during their quest, a knight might meet a Spirit of Nature and gain their trust through their noble acts and behaviour. The most renowned knights are those who have manage to enter the service of such a Spirit by taking an oath to protect and serve them until the Spirit choosesto release them. In return, the knight is blessed with powers that vary widely depending on the Spirit to which the oath was taken. Those few knights achieving such prowess are also granted a place on the Royal Council, a select council of knights that report directly to the king and who he trusts with the most important of endevours.
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