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The Cindergast, a group of volcanic islands, lie to the northeast of the mainland and serve to imprison a host of fire elementals. Of late, however, It there have been reports of these fire elementals testing the boundaries of the weakening magic that holds them there, searching for a way off the islands.   If the Lord Edda is to be believed, Cinderghast has always been a place better suited to fire elementals than humans, and the state of the volcanic islands now supports this theory. But the Svalr tell of a time when the settlement of Varra flourished there, its soil fertile, its crops rich, its people happy. When Rune of the Seven Heroes trapped the salamander Ixlalu there with a curse, the land erupted into the poisoned landscape that now exists.   Though few dare visit these islands with their active volcanoes and treacherous waters, a few scholars have braved the journey to find that the Svalr tales have merit. Cinderghast has a vast ruin, covered in ash and buried in rock, where an ancient city once stood. What little has been uncovered by shifting magma and erosion reveals many of the same markings on stone that the Svalr use in their tattoos, indicating that this was a city that belonged to the Svalr. However, there are also stone-shaping techniques that indicate the construction was performed by elemental hands. This suggests to some that an alliance once existed between the Svalr and the elementals, though whether such an accord was the working of Gormadraug or despite him is a matter for debate.   In modern times, the islands are bound by a curse that makes study of the ruins difficult. Some areas of the islands are blocked to mortal travel; though visitors can see where they would like to go in the distance, when they walk toward their destination, they find themselves turned around and back at their point of origin. This is the nature of the spell binding Ixlalu and his army of salamanders and fire elementals to Cinderghast. But the bonds of that spell are weakening, in part thanks to the efforts of a party of adventurers led by Ánda the Fox, and the smallest of the fire elementals are beginning to escape. Ánda and his peers believe that freeing the elementals would release a strong tool against coldfire. But after being trapped for hundreds of years, the fire elementals may have their own motives—and may seek revenge on the heirs of the sorcerer who imprisoned them: Clan Rune


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