BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Giff entered the universe of Etharis rather lately as a fleet of them in the astral sea noticed the fast moving universe. As the Giff never have seen this spectacle before they approached the universe of Etharis and quickly were consumed as the universe crashed into the fleet, leaving them stranded on the Island of Upari. Here they fought against the native inhabitants using the already aquired firearms, building the Giffish Etharian Empire. The GEE spreads from the Island of Upari as mainland to 7 surrounding smaller Islands. Upari lies a 1 year travel away from the continent of Etharis to the South.   Giff lived rigid lives of order and obedience to a chain of command. They actually took great pleasure from following orders. A giff always kept its promises. A common hobby among giff was the maintenance of armor. They did not tend to have any love of money; food was far more important to them. The typical giff, however, had a great love of weapons, especially firearms and explosives, favoring the biggest explosions the most. Some giff would also keep large collections of pole arms from the various worlds that they had visited in their travels. Giff were fearful of magic, but they tolerated its use in spelljamming, as it was the only way one could travel from world to world. They always relied on others to power spelljammer helms for them. For this they often colonised smaller nations, separating the people that had an affinity for magic from their families and training them to control spelljammers and other machines of war that were a combination of machines and magic.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Creatures of discipline, giff communities organized themselves into a strict hierarchy of command. An individual giff's rank could only be changed by someone superior to her or him. They made no distinctions between males and females in their culture as far as rank or role. Males and females raised children together.
Scientific Name
New Race
~70 years
Average Height
8'– 9'
Average Physique
Massive, stocky, muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black, gray, gold


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