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During the war against the Eldritch Horrors, Grimrgau, the green wolf, wanted to pounce down onto Etharis but as he rushed to earth Maligant killed him, impaling him with a stone spear far to the south of Etharis. The remains of Grimrgau rested in the wide ocean and while they decomposed, poisoning the surrounding waters, it petrified at the same time. with that the isle of Grimrgau formed and his body proved to be fruitful grounds for a poisonous and dangerous jungle.   As many tried to conquer the island, they died in thousands, learning of froglike creatures that rose from the ground of Grimrgau. Those sentient and more intelligent than people first assumed creatures seemed to be the spawn of Dhados, god of poisons who experimented with creating life instead of death for once. With that the Grung came into this world and some connected with the explorers, travelling back to Etharis and learning of the world.   Grungs are always on the lookout for creatures they can capture and enslave. Grungs use slaves for all manner of menial tasks, but mostly they just like bossing them around. Slaves are fed mildly poisoned food to keep them lethargic and compliant. A creature afflicted in this way over a long period of time becomes a shell of its former self and can be restored to normalcy only by magic.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Grung society is a caste system. Each caste lays eggs in a separate hatching pool, and juvenile grungs join their caste upon emergence from the hatchery. All grungs are a dull greenish gray when they are born, but each individual takes on the color of its caste as it grows to adulthood. Green grungs are the tribe’s warriors, hunters, and laborers, and blue grungs work as artisans and in other domestic roles. Supervising and guiding both groups are the purple grungs, which serve as administrators and commanders.   Red grungs are the tribe’s scholars and magic users. They are superior to purple, blue, and green grungs and given proper respect even by grungs of higher status.   Higher castes include orange grungs, which are elite warriors that have authority over all lesser grungs, and gold grungs, which hold the highest leadership positions. A tribe’s sovereign is always a gold grung.   A grung normally remains in its caste for life. On rare occasions, an individual that distinguishes itself with great deeds can earn an invitation to join a higher caste. Through a combination of herbal tonics and ritual magic, an elevated grung changes color and is inducted into its new caste in the same way that a juvenile of the caste would be. From then on, the grung and its progeny are members of the higher caste.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

a few in etharis, mostly in seafaring cities. highest population on the Isle of Grimrgau

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

All grungs secrete a substance that is harmless to them but poisonous to other creatures. A grung also uses venom to poison its weapons.
Scientific Name
New race
Grungs mature to adulthood in a single year, but have been known to live up to 50 years.
Average Height
Grungs stand between 2 ½ and 3 ½ feet tall
Average Weight
about 30 pounds. Your size is Small


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