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While their nicknames described them as apes, hadozee were taller and skinnier than apes, and some said that they looked more like baboons. Hadozee were covered in fur of all varieties of brown—from light tawny to dark chocolate—and it was so thick that they really had no great need to wear clothing. Their faces were surrounded by a shaggy mane. A hadozee's snout protruded outwards from its face, and the mouth was full of sharp fangs. Their eyes were black and tended to sparkle. Hadozee had no tails. Their feet were fully prehensile, complete with opposable thumbs, allowing them to hold onto things with both hands and feet.   The most distinctive physical feature of the hadozee were their patagial wing flaps, much like a bat or flying squirrel. This membrane of skin hung loosely between the creature's arms and legs, from wrists to ankles. When a hadozee raised his or her arms, the membrane stretched taut.   There was a long tradition of hadozee serving as spelljammer crewman or mercenaries for the races traveling through the astral sea. Through this they arrived with the Giff on the continent of Upari as well. While they first served as servants to the new Empire of the Giff they separated 30 years after the arrival on Etharis and spread across the world. the Hadozee still often travel on ships as seafarers and are mainly known as nomadic fleets that travel from island to island, not raiding like the valikans but negotiating and haggling with different objects and informations.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most hadozee were innately and actively curious and were unquenchable optimists. This latter quality lent itself to a tendency to tell dark jokes at inappropriate times. They were expressive—intensely so—resorting to loud whooping, fang-baring, and snarling, depending on the emotion. Hadozee were not philosophers. They gave little consideration to the ethics and morals of other races; they simply wanted to do good and happy work. They took great joy in the simplest of shipboard tasks and chores.   The hadozee had a great love of the elves. (The elves employed hadozee often, but did not mutually respect them.) Oftentimes, this love of elves resulted in flattery towards them.
Scientific Name
New Race
70–110 years
Average Height
5'2" – 6'4" (157–193 cm)
Average Weight
154–278 lbs. (70–126 kg)


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