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Lost Keppmir

The cluster of towns that were once the seat of power of Clan Keppmir fell to ruin long ago, when the members of that minor clan engaged in a fell bargain with a daemon for their well-being and security. Today, their name lives on only with the monsters they became.

Horrors of the Past

Like Clan Keppmir’s history, the site of the clan’s bargain and horrid fall has been lost to memory, concealed now beneath lichen and sea mist somewhere along the west coast of Thrull. But explorers who stumble upon the ruins of those villages while traveling the coast, or sailors putting in at what looks like hospitable beach while seeking shelter from storms, might spot the faint lines of foundation stones where houses once stood. Travelers who don’t flee the area at once find themselves suddenly walking within a spectral tableau as homes, longhouses, corrals, and stockade walls phase into view—magical illusions fueled by the psychic energy that scarred these settlements when their people were taken. At the same time, a rising mist coalesces to take the form of the faceless apparitions of children, mouthlessly screaming for the parents who bargained their lives away for the promise of succor from the Great Prismatic Wyrm. The flare of corrupted magic that fuels these visions quickly attracts blightwinds that feed on any living creatures they find. Thankfully for those making an escape from the lost villages by water, no Keppmir dwell along the shore of their former villages, fearing the memories that might revisit them should they ever return here.


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