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the Morencians are tradefocused people often being part of a guild or certain family. they have caucasian features with black as the most common haircolor.   because of the usual shipping traffic with nations even outside of Etharis the population is mostly human but has a high variety of different races.   the names of the City-state Morencia are based on Italian, venician culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Paola, Gratiosa, Alessandra, Hortensa, Anastasia, Isabella, Pelegrina, Anzola, Barbara, Cassandra, Caterina, Santina, Stella, Cecilia, Susanna, Marcella, Christina, Maria, Daniela, Helena, Faustina, Zuanna, Felicita, Zanetta, Fiametta, Orsa

Masculine names

Paolo, Francesco, Ambroso, Petro, Andrea, Angelo, Giambattista, Salvador, Giovanni, Antonio, Aurelio, Valentin, Hieronimo, Bartholomio, Iacomo, Ventura, Bastiano, Vincenzo, Benedetto, Iseppo, Zordan, Bernardin, Lorenzo, Zuan, Bortolo, Marcantonio, Claudio, Marco, Cristofolo, Marcello, Domenico

Family names

Rossi, Boscolo, Carraro, Ferrari, Pavan, Sartori, Trevisan, VianelloBasso, Bernardi, Costa, Fabris, Favaro, Furlan, Martini, Moro, Visentin, Zanella, Zanetti, Zanon


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Black Carnival

  Held once per year in the heart of summer, the Black Carnival is an occasion for Morencians to give free rein to their base instincts. Clothed in extravagant costumes, the citizens feast for an entire month, indulging in incredible amounts on food, beverages, and more licentious activities. But recent years have seen the carnival tarnished, as darker habits have begun to spread among the population. Rumours tell of debauched gatherings hosted by dark sorcerers, where torture is conducted in exchange for massive amounts of gold. Even if no such activities have been exposed so far, the level of debauchery has clearly increased, with the most critical voices already associating this deviancy with the new threat, the Dread of the Moonless Night.  

The White Carnival

  At the end of the year, six months after the Black Carnival, Morencia is usually covered in snow. This is the signal for a very different kind of carnival: a chance to clean all the refuse from the city, be it rubbish or people. The official white mask worn during the White Carnival is reserved for citizens, and anyoneunable to get a mask—by legal means or otherwise—is pursued, placed in a skiff, and exiled across the lagoon.


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