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Njukca Mountains

The Njukca Mountains are one of the true beauties of Kandar, both during the months of light and absolute darkness. Named for the giant swans that reside within the highest reaches, the mountains are home to bountiful natural wildlife, despite their sparse vegetation. The animals living within the range have learned to thrive in Njukca’s harsh conditions, and where the mountains border the sea, polar bears are known to build their dens.
  The mountains are also home to the nanuqsaurus, a feathered dinosaur with a hide built to withstand the cold temperatures. These predators sometimes face off against the giant swans for dominance in the territory, leading to legends that snow squalls along the northern coast are caused by battles between the two species. The swans also have a reputation for being as carnivorous as the dinosaurs, making both dangerous to encounter.
  The Svalr and Clan Limgri have additional legends of people within the mountains able to take the form of swans themselves. In some tales, these people appear human; in others, they have features like elves. The most fantastic of these stories feature the swan people leaving their skins behind when they change shape—and note that without their skin, they’re unable to shapeshift. Some members of Clan Limgri even claim to be descended from the swan people of the mountains, but there is little proof that the people even exist, let alone intermarried with the Valikan clans.
  But the rumors of the swan people provide good cover for the Redclaws, who base their center of operations out of the Njukca Mountains. Though this circle of druids operates throughout Kandar, their main enclave lies nestled in one of the Njukca’s valleys, and hidden from the outside world. All the Redclaws are shapeshifters, many of them werebears—but perhaps there are also swanfolk among their ranks. The final test for any Redclaw hoping to join the circle takes place at a crystalline lake of pure, natural ice water, high in the Njukca Mountains. Those who pass the test are not allowed to speak of it; those who fail say only that even in failure, there is beauty. Unlike many of the Valikan clans of Kandar, those who join the Redclaws believe that the world might yet be saved, but only if the Prismatic Circle of Thrull doesn’t destroy it first.
Mountain Range


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