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While the elder races established clans and nations in small numbers the orc-tribes reproduced the fastest and spread across the land with brutal strategies bringing bloodshed over the land. With an Iron Fist they ruled the whole of Etharis religiously, opressing the other elder races until they seemingly vanished completely afterwards. some say their shamans lead them to the sea and they sailed eastwards never to be seen again.   the Orcs highly revered and worshipped their god Utpeedan which once was an orc himself who found a spark of godly power. they were brutal and reckless folk, delighting in violence. while Utpeedan enjoyed the rule over a whole continent he always was longing for something more. as his wife left him and created the Vedalken time passed and he heard of her accomplishments via the other gods. so at the end of the primitive age he ordered his folk to find his wife, find the Vedalken who were spoken of as superior beings in contrast to his brutish minions. with these orders they sailed far away to the east of Valika, taking seemingly the entire civilization on a voyage to find his wife which was actively hiding from him. no one knows what happened to them as they never arrived on Shemari and withz time Utpeedan and his wife Chetana both died in the war against the Eldritch Horrors.   only recently small groups of Orcs, or Grudgels as they call themselves nowadays, reappeared on different islands and on Etharis. some trying to redeem their race and the horrorstories children are taught about them. they also seemed to have technically advanced and stray away from their old violent ways. still they are often met violently and cautious by other races.
Scientific Name
Elder Race
Orcs reach adulthood at age 12 and live up to 50 years.
Average Height
Orcs are usually over 6 feet tall
Average Weight
between 230 and 280 pounds


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