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Seven Shades of Sitri

This venereal disease is not lethal but has indirectly caused many deaths. The Arch Daemon Sitri is said to be responsible for the appearance of this disease, hence its name. Stimulating lust to extremes, it is rumoured to have prevented city garrisons from defending the walls on several occasions, allowing fortified cities to be taken easily where a years-long siege was expected. The exact propagation vector of the disease is not known with certainty as several variants—or shades—of the disease seem to coexist, strangely appearing in a region only to spontaneously disappear some time later. Rumours have it that dark bargains are signed in the shadows to unleash the Seven Shades and trigger unrest ahead of bolder political or military moves.

Transmission & Vectors

After prolonged physical contact with an infected creature, a humanoid must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, becoming infected with the Seven Shades of Sitri on a failed save. If a creature's saving throw is successful, they become immune to the Shades for 24 hours.


An infected humanoid is overcome with carnal urges and becomes charmed by all non-hostile humanoids that interact with them.


The Seven Shades of Sitri can be removed by any method that cures diseases. The disease ends on its own after 2d4 days.


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