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Solheim started as a small fishing town that was only marked on a map due to being en-route to Fort Kentigern from Hrist. However, over the decades Solheim has grown to become newly bustling harbour town due to receiving all of Kandar's trade and import incoming from the Great Eastern Sea.   There was once a forest north of Solheim; now it is just a garden of tree-shaped ice. This jungle of icy spires is a reminder to all who gaze upon it the ever looming threat of coldfire.   The smallest of the three cities of Kandar, Solheim is a port city that was once the religious center of Valika. Now, it sits on the Shadow Storm Gulf, bereft of faith, existing but no longer thriving. The shipyards are Solheim’s one remaining pride, and a great hall, where Jarl Angrboða Grata holds her things, continues to be kept up as well as any residence. Still, the overarching atmosphere of doom pervades the city, even in the months when the sun shines the longest.  

The Sun Temple.

With the death of the gods, the most beautiful building in all of Solheim, a temple to the sun, was abandoned. Now this ruin of a religious building sits prominently in the center of the city, its roof long since decayed. The result, however, is that during the light months, sun shines into the temple at angles that highlight specific objects and runic inscriptions in the walls. Few people of faith remain in Solheim, and fewer still visit, but those who have been within the sun temple in the long days of summer say that messages play across its walls, divulging secrets about the future. Tienne Corleon, an elven druid, has been living in Solheim for six years, trying to decipher the Sun Temple’s hidden mystery.  

Runecrafters and Tattooists.

Within the walls of Solheim, runecrafters and tattoo artists sometimes meet to share their trade secrets, and to exchange enchanted tat- toos with others who share their ways. While most of these tattoos are reserved for members of Clan Limgri or, should they request it, the Svalr (who only rarely travel to the city), the artists have been known to perform their craft on foreigners and non-Valikans, if they can perform a feat of skill or strength. Each artist has a different preference, but all wish to see a display of prowess; some will challenge the applicant to a contest of wits, using Morgöng-style riddles to confuse their hapless visitors.   The contests are frequently drawn along the lines of which belief system the artist belongs to. The Lightbringers only ply their trade on those who seek to be heroes in a falling world, who want to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Members of the Røkkva, however, are likely to bestow power upon anyone they think might cause the most destruction.


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