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Thaelkinei, The Lich Princess

Thaelkinei was a wise and beautiful elven princess of ancient times. Only the oldest elven books contain any reference to her. In those ancient times, when the world was mainly inhabited by elves who themselves were still a young race, the elves made great progress in their insatiable search for knowledge. Thaelkinei was a sorceress who went too far in that search and disregarded the sacred bond between magic and nature. When they discovered ways to control nature through magic, most elven sorcerers and sorceresses understood that they had found a limit that must not be crossed. To avoid catastrophe, they forbade the use of what would later be called dark magic. However, Thaelkinei was proud, even for an elf, and refused to stop studying. Her royal lineage, her thirst for power, and her deep cunning drove her to push even further. She conceived an immeasurably powerful spell, the Web of Ascendancy, that aimed not simply to control parts of nature or particular Spirits, but the entire land itself. She cast the spell from her castle of Tol Kerdywel, granting herself almost godlike powers: she could change the very form of the land or control any living creature in the region of Tol Kerdywel. Only the alliance of several elven kingdoms from across the world was enough to counter the threat Thaelkinei posed, and the gathered elven sorcerers managed to create a counterspell. Even then, they could not completely overcome Thaelkinei’s spell, so instead were forced to use another even more powerful forbidden spell: the Curse of Unchanging, a powerful magical web that engulfed the area of Tol Kerdywel and bound every living thing inside in a magical sleep. It was as if time had stopped entirely, for the people, the flora, and the fauna. This terrible spell still holds in Tol Kerdywel, and despite the danger, the region’s supposedly unguarded wealth has attracted the boldest adventurers


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